Tuesday 23 July 2013

Friday 12 July 2013

HaHa is a dad!

Ha Ha, also known as Ha Dong Hoon, has just become a dad!

The current Running Man co-host, became a dad a few days ago. His wife, Byul had born him a healthy little boy as stated on Mypaper. His name was stated as 'Little Dream' translated from chinese.

HaHa and Byul had dated for eight months before marriage and currently has a boy as stated above.

Congrats to both of them and Kudos to Runners!

Monday 8 July 2013

The start of a new term

I know, I know. Everyone's all moaning for a new holiday after the June Holidays had ended. School and work time starts and you can no longer laze a round, not minding about Homework and report dues.
But! Sometimes, we just have to think on the bright side. If we are back at school, we can have our own school misadventures with our friends again! Although scoldings from teachers are hard to bare, but think about it, we have our friends there to comfort or have with you whenever you need it going.

I have no clue about jobs, but sometimes, when you go to your office, again, you have new friends made from your side or if there's new people around, you can show them around and make friends again. Frankly speaking, almost everything I'm saying includes Friends. Friends are always there for you and not to worry if you don't, you have your family members at home that supports you so that your heart pumps with oil to keep you moving like a race car.
 I send my regards to people in their mid life crisis and hope to give them their best!
Hope that every supporter had a great holiday!
Sjh signing off!