Monday 31 March 2014

The Shadow Falls series: The review

Shadow Falls, primitively, its an excellent book. A great read for teenagers, or what means YA supernatural series. As put as New Yorks time Best Seller, it definitely lives up to its name. An excellent love triangle saucy minutiae romance book, as i would put it.

The original series staring Kylie Galen on first person basis has five books, whereas the continuous series, short stories spot-lighted on one of her best friends Della Tsang.

Before the review, i'll begin with a quote like every other review i did:)

"The Shadow Falls series…has everything i wish for in a YA paranormal series. A thrilling tale with a great pace, where layers of secrets are revealed in a way that we are never bored. So if you didn't start this series yet, i can only encourage you to do so."
                                                                                                   -Bewitched Bookworms

This series, you'll most likely get hooked from the beginning. With a classic 'This isn't funny!', the author C.C.Hunter takes us upon a courageous tale of heart stopping incidents, romance's upside downs, upon ones journey of finding a truth.

Yeah, as it is, rated as Horror, there are ghosts, some who are made of maggots and rotten meat, or some with a hole right in the middle of its tummy.

You probably thinking i'm kidding.

Well, i am.


Well, probably if you are stumped at this rate and scared of 'horror', i'd tell you to give it a try as I'm a person like that as well. Just don't read about it at night. Yes, i'm an imaginative person.

Also, the yummy romance leads, the fairytale-like Derek and childhood until now love her to bits hot guy(with steel abs) Lucas Parker. I'll just leave it to you all to read:)

Getting placed in a which people might think are for delinquents, is actually a place for paranormals. Werewolves, Vampires, Fairies and witches(not bad ones, this is not Dorothy and the Oz) alike, they are all located here, whom are trained and taught on their basis of being supernaturals.

I won't talk too much about the rest as having their own train of thoughts while reading is important(well, thats in my opinion). But, its a really good read that gives us a thumping heart or smiles of relief. A dollar-coaster ride of plot, with ups and downs and some that are kind of a cliff hanger, making you want for more.

A definite read for Vampire Academy series or books of P.C. and Kristen Cast!:)) Thats m recommendation. Though i think i the age should be somewhat 12( due to ke), but for those rather fast readers, you are allowed(well, i read this at 11).

To end this, a little part from the first book, page 37, Born At Midnight;

"Crap,"she muttered when about sixty pairs of eyes all turned and focused directly on her.

That, is exactly the response i would personally make if this happened to me. Hope you'll enjoy reading!!:))


Sunday 30 March 2014

The Divergent Trilogy: The review

Okay, first of all, i'll just say that this trilogy is really good.

Though, the ending is kind of unexpected and a bit confusing at the end, but yeah, i'll still rate it as an 'excellent literal dystopian read'. Totally recommended for the Hunger Games, Vampire Academy(i'll talk about that next time)(and yes i read it but only book 1 and 2)and Shadow Falls(i'll talk about this too:)) fans.

First, a quote from Bookpage;

You'll be up all night with Divergent, a brainy thrill ride of a novel.

Which i'll say is utterly true, if you didn't turn to the ending and read it(You'll start to bore).

Okay, its on Beatrice Prior(who later changes her name to Tris Prior). The world she lives in has five factions(not districts thats different), Abnegation, Dauntless, Amity, Candor and Erudite. Abnegation are for the selfless, Dauntless is for the brave, Amity is for those who wants to be free, Candor is for the  honest and Erudite is for those who are clever.

Divergent, this word, is for those who possesses signs for multiple factions, which Beatrice is(duh…otherwise she wouldn't be the main character). She is from Abnegation, the selfless, who cares for others, but she doesn't feel like one and often compares herself to her brother who would help a grandmother cross the road immediately. After showing signs of being a Dauntless, Divergent and Erudite, she begins to panic on her decision of whether to not upset her parents and stay in Abnegation or to choose a faction she favours(you can read to know which she goes to i don't wanna do spoilers).

I'm going to only say about this as i don't want to spoil the hopes of people reading it. Believe me, it is good, just beware of the ending. It is rather sentimentally heartbreaking and well, Tobias(Beatrice's boyfriend) well, will become the main character.

To end this, i'm just going to show the trailer of the Divergent movie which is already out at the theatres;
Be sure to watch it!:))

- sjhdanielle 

P.S. i'll do some book reviews for some time as i need time to reread my fan fiction(i forgot what happened…heehee…)

Saturday 29 March 2014

Reuniting Blues Chapter 35: Monday Couple Fanfiction

"Okay…keep quiet! Boss told us to do it without anyone knowing!"

"Yah! Don't order me to do things!"

"Arasso…follow me."

Two men were in Ji Hyo's neighbour's house, trying not to make any sound.

"I'm home!" Just then, the son of the neighbour got home.

"Crap! Quickly! Hide!!"

One of them pushed the other into the back door, dashing out of the house.

"Why did anyone go to her house at this hour? I thought she's single or something?"

"I don't know…boss will be mad!"

"Ottoke?…wait…Jae Min, check the address!"

"Huh? Ok…"

His eyes widened.

"Shit…we went to the wrong house! It's next door!"
Song Ji Hyo woke up from the loud ringing of her alarm clock.

"Ah…"She rubbed her eyes, scrutinising her surroundings with a sour face.

"Its already Tuesday! Ahh….tomorrow will have filming again…"

She thought, grabbing her phone to check for any messages.

There was one, which she smiled in notice.

Rise and shine, my love! How are you? Are you free today? Can i bring you for a date today?

- Gary:)))))))))))

Whats with this smily face with ten double chins? Haha

Filled with euphoria, she typed in her reply:

Are u getting fatter? u have ten chins haha… Anyway, the ans to the 3 questions are I'm fine, Yes and well, no…><

-Ji Hyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Almost immediately, he replied:

Wae? I wanna bring u to drink Americano! I know a great place!

-Gary T^T

She laughed, imagining an aegyo Gary may be doing.

I dont wanna spread rumours…how bout u come to m house?


Finefine…but i thought ur house was a touchy subject?*~*

-Jamsil's Gary

Is that so?…then don't come…>,<


Hey! I'll come!! Go open ur doors already! Its freezing!


What? He's already outside? I haven't got ready!

Ji Hyo fumbled, grabbing a b** and a cap, rushing to her bathroom.

That was when she noticed it was locked.

Kang Gary picked up Ji Hyo and ran into her house after listening to what Ji hyo had said.

After passing the still-hot Americano to Ji Hyo, he ran upstairs to her bathroom, which was, like what Ji Hyo had said, locked.

"Who's in there better answer!" He yelled so loudly, the glass panels beside him almost broke.

No one answered.

Gary could not take it any longer and did a swift kick that knocked the entire bathroom door down.


"Why are you two here?!"Gary shouted at the two men, who were as pale as snow.

"We can't tell you!" One of the men replied.

"Why? You broke into Ji Hyo's house!!"Gary shouted at a tone that their eardrums almost broke.

"Eh…you tell him…"

"Tell me!!!"Gary glared at them.

"Okayokay… just boss tell us to do so we do…we need to kidnap Song Ji Hyo."

"WHAT? Who's you boss?!!!"

"We don't know, this boss just know our numbers and call us to do stuff for him."

"Gary…what's happening?" Ji Hyo went up to him and grabbed his arm.

"This crooks were sent here to kidnap you!"

"What? YAH! You want to kidnap me?" Bad Ji Hyo started kicking and slapping them, as they screamed in agony.

"AHH!! Please spare us!! We were just following orders!!!"

"Whose orders?"

"They said they don't know who and Ji Hyo, i think you should go and change?" Gary said, looking at Ji Hyo's attire.

Ji Hyo's face immediately brightened in red, shouting at the two men to get out of her bathroom so that she could change.

"Where's the door?…"Ji Hyo asked, that was when she saw the broken bits of mahogany on the floor.

"What happened?"

"I just wanted to open the doors…"

"Ah, Gary oppa…never mind then…i'll just change in my room."

"Remember to close the curtains!"

After Ji Hyo left, Gary scolded the two men numerous times before getting them out of the house after they sweared not to come again.

He sighed, rushing back into the house from the chilling wind of winter.

"Kang Gary! Come! Sit here!" Ji Hyo called him to sit beside her.

"Arasso!" After seeing her bright face, he completely forgot about the 'incident' and ran straight into her arms.

"Bogoshipal…" Gary snuggled next to Ji Hyo as she said.

"Just for one day and you missed me?"Gary asked cheekily.

"Yes…What do you wanna watch?"

"Song Ji Hyo dancing."

"Yah!" JI Hyo pinched Gary's arm.

"Ouch!! Just kidding…anything you want to watch."

"Okay…"She tuned in to SBS channel.

"Lets just  watch whatever's on then.." Ji Hyo said, smiling at Gary.

"Hey! I''ll go outside to get us something from my car."

"What is it?"

"Its a surprise! I'll just be gone in a minute."

"Okay, i'll be waiting for you."
Chun Sung Im was getting anxious.

He was not back yet.

He had gone for twenty minutes already.

Should i go outside?

No…i have to trust him.

But what if those people came back and kidnapped him?

That last though struck her and she sprinted outside, with her Artbox sweater and pants.

His car was gone and there was a paper lying where his car had been.

She picked it up.

It was her address on it and no other clue to where Gary was.

She turned it around.

Gary is with us
Be outside at 12 today 
If u do not, he may die
u may be allowed to bring friends, 
but beware of our guns
Hope u all enjoyed this chapter!:))

Sorry for the long update… sorry…

Anyway, i wanna ask:
Other then MC, RM fans here, are there any Kaichou wa maid sam a fans here? I am but i wanna know if theres a second season go KWMS anime

Anyway, stay tuned for more chapters!:) Hope its not too draggy..

- sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

Sunday 2 March 2014

Reuniting Blues Chapter 34: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Gary could not move.

Not even an inch.

He felt his heart break.

And his soul draining out from him.

To him, it was as if it was the end of the world.

And they were having the best of their time, he snorted and turned.

He couldn't believe it.

Why would Kwang Soo do this to him? Even Ji Hyo?

He felt hot tears streaming down his cheek.

Only he didn't realise Ji Hyo was smiling at him right now.
"Ah Kwang Soo ah…"

Ji Hyo answered her phone.

She was about to lie down to sleep when her phone rang.

"Ah…Ji Hyo noona!"

"Wae, Kwang Soo ah?"

"I wanted to ask…Did something happen to you and Gary hyung?"


"He called me very anxious just now. I thought you went missing or something."


Ji Hyo sniffed and thought. She had the little revenge plan up her sleeves a while already. Was Kwang Soo calling a sign to get the ball rolling?

"Um… Kwang Soo ah, are you free now?"

"Why? Noona?"

"I'll explain when i meet you! Can you pick me up at the park near my house?"

"Where's your house?"

"Ah…Kwang Soo ah…you don't know where my house is even though you've known me for three years?"


"I'll message you the address, okay? Kwang Soo! Bali yah!"
Lee Kwang Soo was flustered.

His father just appeared at the door, looking at him as if suspicious.

"Did i hear a Ji Hyo noona?"

"Eh…Ahbuji…its nothing…aniyo…"

He grabbed his phone and his wallet, taking his car keys along.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"I um…just going to meet a friend."


"Gary hyung."

And he walked off to get his car, which was parked by the house.
Moments later, he was by the park, waiting for Ji Hyo.

"Ah, Kwang Soo!"

Ji Hyo climbed onto his car, slamming his bag onto the seat.

"Ah…Noona…um, mind to explain the plan to me?"

"Ah…can't you be more patient? Noona is still putting on the seatbelt!"


After putting on the seatbelt, she stormed right to the plan.

"Will you be my namja-chingu?"


"I meant like pretend you know…um..since you are an actor and all."

"Oh…i thought you meant…um…"

"Aish…Kwang Soo!"


"But like in dramas we act in, couples usually kiss right? I want you to do that."

"Now?But what?Bobo?"

"Yeah…but not now! Later! And don't tell anyone, this is to make Gary oppa jealous."

"Wha? Don't tell me you two are a couple and you got into a fight with him…"

"Yes…but keep your lips glued! And i want you to send a message to him saying that you found me at his aunt's dessert stall in Jamsil."

"Do we have to go there?"

"Of course! Now get the engine rolling and get there quick! I'll send it to him on the way!"

But why kiss?

Kwang Soo thought, but kept his mouth shut and drove his car towards Jamsil.
Although he still felt like dying, he still have to face it.

He needed the truth.

Why did Song Ji Hyo, the one he loved kiss Kwang Soo?

Wiping the tears on his cheeks, he turned again.

Only to find his beloved looking at him and smiling.

He didn't know why she smiled but ran there in lightning speed.

"Yah! Lee Kwang Soo!"

He punched him in his stomach and Kwang Soo coiled, and yelled,"Ahh!"

"Ji Hyo…why did you kiss him?"

"Wae? You jealous?"

"Kudaeyo! How can you kiss someone else when you're my yeoja-chingu?"

"Can't you see i did this out of revenge? And where did you go this morning?"

"I went to see a friend at the hospital. And…so… you were just doing out of revenge…"

"Yeah…of course! Why would i ever kiss him?"

"Is that an insult?" Kwang Soo sat up, glaring at his noona.

"Haha…Kwang Soo ah, get a yeoja-chingu…don't steal other people's…" Gary said and swooped Ji Hyo down in a deeply passionate kiss.

"Ah…god…Should i not look?"

"Probably…just go away."

"Eh…hyung! This is my car!"

"Well, heres the keys, drive mine then!"He threw his keys at Kwang Soo and he walked away in a snort.

"Do not get away from me again…and don't ever be late or go elsewhere…give me a message so that i'll know…"

"Alasso…And don't think up with such revenge…"Gary smiled sweetly and took off his cap.

"You should not wear caps…You look more handsome without it."

Gary did not reply, but grinned and kissed her as if they were from a fairytale, sparks flying everywhere and flowers bloomed.

"Ewww…."Kwang Soo commented from far and drove away, snickering at his new found gossip.
Song Ji Hyo walked into her house as if drunk.

"What happened?"Her concerned manager appeared, dashing towards her.

"Ah…nothing unnie…just drunken with love…"

"Haha…seriously Ji Hyo ah…"

Her manager helped her straighten herself and took her upstairs to her room.

"I'll go home now. Call me if anything happens! I'll just be call away!"

"Arasso…"Ji Hyo smirked, lying down on her bed and taking out her phone, which she noticed had vibrated.

It was from Gary.


Are you okay? Have sweet dreams! Always dreaming of you~

Ur KT:))

She smiled, and texted a reply.

I'm fine:)) Sleep tight! <3


She grinned and fell asleep right there and then.
Hope you enjoyed reading! I can't put too much ero…as yeah…i'm too young…i'll just let ur imaginations flow and you can put that 'part' in any way you want it to be:) Probably when i'm 18 i'll update the whole fanfic…nah…just kidding:))

I decided if i have the time, i'll do fanfics every saturday and sunday like those koreans dramas:) two days per week. But only if i have the time! Hope everyone had read chapter 33 before this! i posted it yesterday:) 

Anyeong! And have a nice week!

- sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)(My names Danielle Lim:))

Saturday 1 March 2014

Reuniting Blues Chapter 33: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Kang Gary kept calling her.

But she just wouldn't answer.

Song Ji Hyo kept listening to her ringtone ring over and over again.

But she didn't even flinch when reading her new drama script.

Lee Kwang Soo sat at his sofa at home, looking at his dad.

His gut told him something was wrong.

But he didn't know what to do.
"Hey, Sung Im, wanna go shopping?"

Shopping meant home shopping. Ji Hyo sighed and looked back at her manager.

"Can i use your computer this time? Mine is still charging."

"Sure." Her unnie picked up her slick iMac from her bag and passed it to her.


She turned on the computer, clicking onto the safari image, she went onto the shopping website she always went to.

She chose a couple of clothes and looked over to her manager.

"These should be okay, right?"


"Okay, i'll just get this. Unnie, can you help me fill these? I want to sleep."

"Kudaeyo…you better rest, it'll be a tiring day for you tomorrow."

Ji Hyo smiled and went upstairs. Right, they were going to Singapore the next day. That gotta be tiring.

And for all she knew, it had been almost a week since they even talked and tomorrow was also a Running Man filming.

She bit her lower lip, she had to face him, after all, he's the one she loves.
Lee Kwang Soo kept staring at his phone.

He knew something was wrong and he knew someone would call him.

He was right on that, but it wasn't about him.

But, it was fact that its incredible that he could feel that someone else is feeling bad or in trouble. But it also meant he was a great friend to know about that.

"Gosh! Someone just call me!"

His father(ahbuji) looked at him abruptly in huge eyes, but went back to reading his newspaper again.

In response, his phone rang.

The caller ID read Gary Hyung-.-

"Why is Gary hyung calling me?"

His ahbuji looked at him again and he shrugged,"Aniyo…Its nothing."

He flicked and Gary's anxious tone filled his ears.

"Kwang Soo ah! Have you seen Ji Hyo or had she call you?"

Kwang Soo's eyes widened.

"Why hyung?"

"Just answer my question, Kwang Soo!"


"Ok, Gumawomida Kwang Soo ah!"

"Eh! HYUNG!"

His father had his eyes on him again.

"Well, tell me about this."His father put down the newspaper and walked towards him.

"Nothing ahbuji…Aniyo…its just about Monday Couple i told you about."

"Did you get between them?" His father glanced.

"Aniyo! Why would i? They are a well matched combat! Gary hyung was just asking where was she."



His father, clearly not convinced sauntered away, back to he dining table and started reading the newspaper again.

"Huu…Gosh…that was scary…"Kwang Soo sighed in relief.

But why was Gary asking about Ji Hyo? Did something happen to them?

Kwang Soo's eyes glazed right to Ji Hyo's name in the contacts list. His gut told him to call her right there and then.

Putting his phone inside his pocket, he walked up the stairs to his room as staying here and calling Ji Hyo now would be kinda funny with the eyes of his father on him.

Once he closed the door, he plucked out his phone and was set on his complicated phone opening puzzle. Gosh…why did he put this passcode?

Spending about three tries and finally succeeded in opening his phone. Tapping on Ji Hyo's name, he called her.

She answered at the first ring.

"Ah…Kwang Soo ah…"
Ji Hyo's manager was very worried about Ji Hyo.

She would never have shopped so fast. Ever.

And for her to just buy three sets of clothes was extraordinary. She usually bought about tens of them.

Clicking at the submit button, she went back to her homepage.

Seeing her husband's face and hers in a forehead kiss, she smiled.

But that was when she stopped smiling when she knew.

She felt guilty all of a sudden and quickly went upstairs to look for her.

But she wasn't in bed. She wasn't in her study room either.

"Sung Im! Where are you?"

"Ah..Unnie! I'm in the bathroom!"

"Oh…i thought where you were."

Walking towards the bathroom, she saw clutters of clothes on the floor.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, i'm meeting someone."

"Is it Gary?"Her heart would drop into her stomach if it wasn't Gary Ji Hyo was going to meet.

The bathroom door slid open and Ji Hyo's head bopped out.

"Ain't telling you!"

Ji Hyo grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs.


Manager's lips went into a smile. She knew it was definitely him, seeing Ji Hyo that happy.

Going downstairs and looking at the screen of her computer, she didn't feel so angry after all.

She was worried that Ji Hyo had gotten jealous and felt bad. But seeing the way she glowed, she knew her prediction was wrong.

As if she had an aura around her, she closed the door.

Only that aura wasn't a good aura, it was a revenge aura.

And she was meeting Kwang Soo.
Gary was back on his car again.

He received a message saying Ji Hyo was at the Dessert House back at Jamsil and he immediately knew it was his aunt's one.

He didn't really check who he received it from, but he didn't really care and stepped hard on the pedal.

His car zipped and zoomed by the roads and when he finally reached the place, he saw something he couldn't believe.

Ji Hyo was in Kwang Soo's car.

And they were kissing.
I know you will be like OMG! Yeah ik…haha
I know the last chapter wasn't really much i'm really sorry as i didn't really concentrated on writing.

I hope you all enjoy this though:)) Very sorry for not updating for so long…


And i rewatched the newest episodes today:) It's daebak as always!

Thanks for supporting and Hoped you enjoyed reading!


-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)