Wednesday 5 November 2014

Reuniting Blues 2 Chapter #0: A Monday Couple fanfiction Sequel

A lone man was sprinting down the streets of Gangnam.

He was wearing a broad-brimmed hat, setting a blue-ish brown coat over his striped turtleneck and faded blue jeans.

No one gave him a second glance as he raced down the packed pavement of the street. He just seemed to be another ordinary Korean, having a average life, only probably have a time of his life experiencing the cooling winds of this famous town, blowing in his tanned face.

"Yah! Chakaman!" A man on a bicycle was catching up behind him.

Now that was when the people started turning to the coated man. Who is he? Why is that man chasing him? Is this a movie scene? The people started murmuring among themselves.

The man sighed as the bicycle's ringings blocked up through his head.

"Yah! Stop it! Jaesuk ah... I need to go to the Hospital now!" The tanned man gasped at the bespectacled man riding on the bicycle, who was now putting the brakes on.

"What happened? You just sprinted off!" The man who was called Jaesuk sputtered back at him, getting down his bicycle.

"Hyung, borrow me this bicycle first, I'll explain later."
SO SORRY! I didn't update at all...:/ 

I hoped u enjoyed this preview! I was busy with the EOY exams and CCA for Sec sch Ik this is holiday Alrdy:) but I'm still busy with CCAs so u may not expect many updates! I shall not tell u my plans cz I found a fact tat if I let ppl noe my plans or ideas, it won't work out as planned! So let's promise for more chapters!!!😘luv u all! Continue reading!  

I'm updating more on the whole series on RB1 on Wattpad n I'll update RB2 here so do check my Wattpad: sjh_danielle ( I think😂) just search Reunting Blues n u should noe!:)) SUPPORT! 

N hope P6s r enjoying ur free time:) Get ready for u all results!! HWAITING!! 

-sjh_danielle( Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

Sunday 27 July 2014

Reuniting Blues 2 Confirmed date of release!:33 and more..

Hello! I know i haven't updated much…cz exams are coming..

The release of Reuniting Blues 2 Chapter 0(preview of the series) will be out at August 16 or 17(so do check my blog or Twitter: @sjh_danielle or Instagram: @misadan2001 )

For the Chapter 1 of the series, i'm really sorry but it will out around October(end) as thats when my holidays end! Term 4 will be a hard time for me as exams will be earlier so yeah…

As for my other works, I'll try to update on Percabeth A Love Story (If you still don't know, check: !) and i will upload RB1 on Wattpad as a full as fast as i can.

There is a new work of mine on Wattpad, called Forbidden Story Of Us. Chapter 1 is not yet out so i'll update when its ready!

Do support my other works too!

And remember the other book excerpt? I may publish on Wattpad or really write as full and send it to one of the publishers:33



Thursday 3 July 2014

About Reuniting Blues 2 and things important

As you all know, the job of being a writer of Reuniting blues isn't over yet and i will be updating on when i will start the series:)

I know that some may be impatient but really, i think we should all read through all 38 chapters again… Even i don't really remember what i wrote as i really wrote quite a lot. Places that can also read Reuniting Blues: and :) I'll read my fanfic again together with you all^^

Now, to the more important stuff:

My School, Nan Chiau High is going to have Shines In Harmony this Saturday which is a charitable event! My class is making Dreamcatchers and badges:) If you want to meet me, do come!
I'm in the Dreamcatcher and somewhat the advertising team so do come and support!

If you all come and just say,'i read Reuniting Blues' or 'i support you', i'll give you a hand drawn sketch of any RM member or Monday Couple doodle you want !:) As a gratitude to you all supporters that have supported me:) I'll be drawing right there and if you want a caricature, tell me too!:)

There are games, food and things to buy back at this event! 

Games: Such as Running Man, Haunted House(5 ppl get a stake!), dunking machine(dunk your friends and teachers!) and much more:)

My Class is 1 B and don't hesitate to come in and support us! We sell the dream catchers at $5 each and badges of all kinds for 4 for $6! There are DIY badges too!:) You can put Running Man or Animes or Jpop or Kpop whatever you want! Do come and support, we are all lovely people:)

I may or may not be there but even so, please come and support!:) If you want to find me, just ask for Danielle! I'm very easy to find and our whole class is like besties!

And i may give you a sneak date of when RB2 will be coming! I'm willing to ask a single question of whatever you want to know, just that not too sensitive XD!


INformation on Shines in Harmony:
From 9.30-13.30!
Venue: Nan Chiau High School(Check if you dunno where it is!)
Take 372 bus from Compass Point!


Vampire Academy: The Book Review

Hello everyone!

Hope u all are still supporting this blog! The Reuniting Blues isn't over yet and that i'll announce RB 2 soon! Also i'll create another post late so do wait for it!

As for the book review, here it is:

I've already uploaded a video(Very unglamXD) of this and do check it out and subscribe! I'll be doing a giveaway(Including my own drawings too if u want) when i reach 200 subbies! 

This is definitely those girl kick ass books:) I definitely like that. I don't really like guys saying that girls are weak and such… well, if you are like me, you will understand >,<

It stars Rose Hathaway and Lissa Dragomir. Rose is a Dhampir (half vampire and half human) and Lissa is a Moroi(vampire). It is narrated by Rose and she is Lissa's bodyguard(Dhampir's jobs are like that:). They runaway after an incident but eventually got caught back to their school St Vladimir's. 

I recommend this as a good read and if you want to know more, just watch the vid! (Sorry for bad sound effects as i took it using webcam….

- sjhdanielle:)

Saturday 28 June 2014

Reuniting Blues Chapter 38: Monday Couple Fanfic

It was a few months later and the cast of Running Man was filming their 200th episode.

The glowing faces of the Monday Couple was clearly visible through the cast.

Ji Hyo and Gary often snuck glances at one another and the fan of theirs, Jong kook was teasing them.

It was months since the lovely two announced their relationship to the cast. The cute kookie wanted to do a celebration party and they didn't want to accept it as they did not want to trouble them. The sneaky PD, had listened in to their conversation suddenly popped right into the middle of the group.

The PD had an idea and the idea was to be set right after the 200th episode's filming.

Gary and Ji Hyo, whom were both out of the conversation as they said it was a surprise for the two of them, only caught some words such as 'party', 'balloons, 'budget'. Ji Hyo was annoyed and tried to sneak into the group, but was unsuccessful as it was too obvious of the sole female to appear.

Gary back-hugged her as he brought her away. She giggled and turned to looked at him.

"You're becoming more and more handsome everyday," JI Hyo murmured in a voice Gary loved to hear.

"You too. Though, have you know that your wrinkles are getting more visible?" Gary teased as he brought her closer.

"Yah!" Her eyes flared and punched softly at his shoulder, as he backed away.

He ran away as Ji Hyo chased him. Gary paused for a while as she dashed toward him at lightning speed with a look of victory as she saw Gary standing there not attempting to flee.

She opened her mouth in shock as Gary scooped her up and carried her bridal style. Their faces where only inches apart and Ji Hyo colour see into Gary's black irises with a tinge of brown at the sides, reflecting back at her was her own face, cheeks as red as roses.

He placed his mouth near her mouth and said in a voice that made her shiver, "Your wrinkles are the most beautiful things i ever i seen."

She gasped as she replied in a tone that surprised her own vehemence, "You are the most beautiful art
piece ever made too."

And when he kissed him, his lips brushing against her every moment that made her heart beat a thousand miles an hour. His hands made her slide down from him, now no longer being carried by him, she pulled him closer to her, attached his hand at her waist as he watched her every move. He smiled in a smile she had grown to love as he brought her hand to his smooth cheeks. She felt like she was melting as he passionately kissed her. She gripped hard on his T-shirt and she could swear it almost broke.

"Time to go to filming lovebirds," A voice came behind Ji Hyo which she immediately recognised as their Jaesuk hyung.

She felt her body burn in embarrassment Gary released her, his face equally red as her's.

"I guess we could expect very romantic scenes later," Jaesuk mocked them.

"Aniya Oppa!" Ji Hyo bit her lip her cheeks brightening again.

"You can count on me, hyung," Gary winked as Jaesuk chuckled.

"Yah Kang Gary!" She flushed avoiding their glances.
"And Cut! Great job everyone!" The PD cried and everyone clapped.

All of a sudden, a group of black suited men rushed toward the Monday couple and used black cloth to cover their eyes. Ji Hyo shrieked and kicked randomly as the suited men picked her and Gary, who crazy shadow-boxing and kicking.

Park Ji Sung was still there, his eyes widened, "Are we still filming? Whats happening? Why only them and not us?"

The other Running Man members laughed as Jaesuk explained, Jong Kook interrupting once in a while to add some more information in. He only said after this was,"Can i join?"

Kang Gary was confused.

What was happening? Gary thought as they were being carried to an unknown place. Where is Ji Hyo?

"Ji Hyo?"Gary whispered.

An answer immediately formed,"Yes oppa?"

Oh thank god…i thought she's missing. But what's happening? Don't tell me is the party. Gary thought.

That was when they were brought down and the cloth was pulled away so that they could see.

"Oppa!" Ji Hyo exclaimed, astonished at the decorations.

There were balloons at every corner of the room, streamers, cold soft drinks, which were good at a hot weather like now. Also, food piles were visible on the white long table filled with pastures, snacks and also some seaweed soup. A huge banner was in the middle of the is gigantic hall, which had the words, 'Monday Couple Celebration with a photo of the two of them kissing this morning there.

Ji Hyo turned bright red as she saw that. Gary grabbed her hand, there fingers interlocking. He smiled and she grinned back. He gave her a slight peck in the cheek as they turned and saw their fellow members behind them, including Ji Sung.

"Let's start the PART-AAY!" Ha Ha yelled as Leessang's music started playing.
Ji Hyo swore she definitely got fatter as she stuffed large amounts of food into her mouth.

Gary laughed at her comment and Ji Hyo took the chance to push a eclair into his wide open mouth.

He gasped and choked but still swallowed it down, pretending to glare at her. She giggled and another tiny cupcake disappeared into her mouth.

"Its so delicious oppa!" She claimed happily.

Gary's eyes flicked towards her mockingly," you have a lot of food that you like to eat... Well, Oppa will buy cupcakes for you next time!"

" Samyeopsal too!" Ji Hyo's eyes twinkled buoyantly.

"You'll become fat you know..." Gary satirized, poking at her stomach.

"Well a plump woman is a sign of happiness..." Ji Hyo said intelligently as she picked up another cupcake.

Gary seized both sides of Ji Hyo's waists and pulled her in to kiss her. He didn't want to lose her. The feelings he had just now when they were 'pretend' kidnapped was distraught when he thought he lost her. After the incident of Baek Chang Jo, he knew how much he loved her, thinking about her every single second when he was captured, whether they will catch her when he's here.

Ji Hyo's hands digger into his bare back as he kissed her furiously and passionately, almost bruising her lips. He could feel her heartbeat like a hundred mile hour train, fast and furious. Her hands transferred to the nape of his neck, touching the spiking bits of hair where it was just cut. He had wanted to cut a shape with Ji Hyo's name there but she didn't want it as she thought it'll look ugly, but he had retorted with a smile, "Your name is beautiful I want it there, Sung Im." In the end, he put the initials CSI there, but it was at the side and very hard to be seen.

They pulled away from each other when they heard whoops and cheers. Gary saw Ji Hyo lighting up like a apple and he guffawed, only to be knocked in the head by Ji Hyo. He pretended to be in pain and groaned.

Ji Hyo was the one to laugh this time," You're no Kim Tan, Oppa!"

"You're no Eun Sang too!" Gary said as he grasped her hand.

Ji Hyo gasped as he put his mouth into hers, kissing her again to her surprise. Her shock lasted shortly as it became delight and they caressed each other's lips as the others cheered.
" Oppa..." Ji Hyo touched the shoulder of Gary.

"Yes Imie?" Gary grinned, gripping her hand tightly.

"I'm changing my agency. I cannot bear being with Baek Chang Jo anymore. Seeing him everyday makes me sick."

" Jjinja? Then which agency are you going?"  Gary's eyes lightened like fireworks.

" Yours, Oppa."

"Then people will suspect our relationship!"

"Then we'll announce it oppa." Her eyes smiled.

His eyes widened and he started laughing happily, it was the best news ever! Ji Hyo beamed as theirs eyes looked straight into each other and they walked happily towards Gary's trailer.
I hope you liked the whole series!  I am grateful for the fans and is very excited to write RB2! Hoped you liked this chapter:) do support! I'll release the release date of RB2 chapter 1 soon!:) Once again, thank you for supporting!

- sjhdanielle~

Tuesday 24 June 2014


Alright! Hello you all! Sorry that i have not posted the new chapter of Reuniting Blues…

There is a reason for that! I had this weird thought about an idea for a book and so far, i finished 4 chapters(I started after i came back from Australia but had the idea on January^^). 

I'm giving you all an excerpt of the first chapter and i hope you all enjoy it! Because if i get good comments i may really consider being a professional Author!

So heres the chapter(i copy and pasted it so yeah:))

               Chapter 1


No . I wanted to say, but I felt a tingle down my spine and I knew immediately from my gut. Mom’s stern round eyes were definitely on me and I may die in hell if I didn’t give Jacques what he wanted.

I sighed, turning behind and knew to trust my gut feelings. Slightly frowning, I leaned my right hand with the bun to his side. He grinned at me and munched a huge side of the fluffy softness I loved. Even cookie monster would be proud.

I peeked behind me and saw that Mom was taking out a bottle of cold milk and poured its contents into a small bowl which I suspect had some Chocolate truffles inside. For my brother of course… All I have was a plain old potato-ham bun that I eat everyday.

“Mom? Is that for me?” I called out sarcastically, taking a mouthful of bread.

“Yes. Is that a sarcastic tone?”

Wow! I admit I was surprised. It wasn’t ‘Mom’ style at all.

I glanced at her, hoping there wouldn’t turn out to have poison inside there. It is a bad way to die and I hate drugs so I definitely didn’t want to die in those disgusting hands of poisonous ‘SAY NO TO’ drugs.


“Really for me?”

      “Yes, YES!”

   I blinked and took a bite of the truffle and ran out of house, grabbing my bag   together along the way. I hated the way she treated me just because of that incident when I was young. I wasn’t the fault of my father that he went totally crazy for drugs, I hated drugs. Hello? I hate her biased feelings towards my brothers because of that.

“Those were supposed to be for Valentine’s Day!” My eyes stung with tears.

I moment later, I was at the bus-stop.

Usually me, I would be waiting together with Jacques and Joseph(my elder brother that I thought the bowl of truffles was for), as I have responsibility of them getting to school.

Yeah, I was relieved of my duties today, which was good news as I didn’t want to be the ‘house-maid’ whenever I was near my family members. Dad not involved, as he just lies down in bed every single day, his face drained of all the drugs and beer he had drunk. He’s in rehab, but I would say he isn’t in a good state.

“Hey! Mulberry!”

Yeah, that’s my name. It’s my nickname actually, but I do not carry Mulberry  bags around all day. It’s just a sarcastic name as all I do is read ‘great!’ books everyday and typing fan-fictions or stories on my own blog. My full name is Song Ji Rae, Katherine . As much as I know, Mom was a huge K-drama fan and thought up a Chinese name which kind of sounded like a Korean one and Kat ? It was after her best friend. The friend she named after is my godmother and she’s pretty cool. We hang around a lot although we are probably twenty years apart.

I’m twelve-going-to-thirteen years old. In Secondary One, like what Singaporeans call, while here, it’s 8th grade. I’m an Singaporean-born American.

“Yes, JAMIE?” I called, swinging my Punk Stars bag along.

“Shit…” I opened my bag and checked the contents. Thank god… no book ripped or anything.

“Yo, gurl…Where are your bros?” Jamie swung her fully blonde hair, unlike mine, which was totally black-brown due to the fact I’m Asian.

“Not coming…” I knew her next comment will be ‘Are they sick?’ so I just added, “Oh, and they’re not sick.”

“Almost scared me then…well, lets head off to school! Race you there?”

“You wish…I wouldn’t risk getting my books folded or squashed while running with my precious tote…” I pointed and mumbled, patting my purple-yellow(my favorite colors) bag again.

“Yeah yeah…” She strolled and jumped on the ramp, walking around it before dropping back down on the pavement.

Yeah, my friend’s a bit hyper, but she’s great at being a study buddy. She has a hyperactive mind so she tends to remember everything, which to me, is definitely something I needed.

“Did you finish the summer homework?” Jamie smirked and glanced at me.

“Of course I did. Why? Don’t tell me you want to copy again…”I mumbled, folding my arms.

“Not really…Just a peek at your Maths homework?” She looked at me with those cuddly big and cute eyes. God, does she know me. I love cute stuff. And because of that, I couldn’t resist them.

“Alright…” I replied with a scowl.

“What’s with that scowl? And reminds me, have you heard of the hit Kpop song of a newbie, Alright? And she appeared on Running Man too! What’s her name again?”

“Um… let me check.”

My friend’s a total everything-related-to-Korean fan and she’s absolutely crazy about Kpop and Running Man, which I just knew about. I admit they’re nice, but I can’t understand what they’re saying besides those English subtitles.

“Kim Yerim.” I said after I checked it on my phone.

“Ah right! Its crazy stuck in my head!”

“Yeah…I know…haven’t you told me that a couple of times during chat?”

“Did i? Never mind.”

A couple of footsteps thundered behind us and I swung in haste.

But it seem to be no one there. But I knew there had to be someone there. I scrutinized the entire area.

“Did you hear that?”

“What thing?”

“Never mind,” Did she really not hear those resounding footsteps? I felt a tug at my gut. I knew something was off.

“You really didn’t hear anything?”

“Positive. Did you hear snakes hissing? Please do not become a Parseltongue.”

“Seriously? No…I don’t have a mark on my head and there’s no Voldemort around here.”

“There is! That Josenberry…That jerk.”

“He has no powers, dudess.”


Jamie grunted and continued strolling.

Josenberry is actually our bully in school.  His full name is Jake Brod
Josenberry, but he prefers to be called Josenberry as he wants us to be reminded of why he became a bully.

Because of his name, he was the most bullied at school last time. Called either Strawberry, roseberry and stuff, jeered as a girl. But that was only until he had a growth spurt and went to gym. He became a 6’7 and was built like a mountain.

“Right…Jamie, really did not hear anything?”

“Tell me what is it first…”

“It sounded like lots of footsteps.”

“I didn’t hear them…maybe its cause I’m gonna be deaf.”

“Don’t joke around! You really, really didn’t hear?”

“Positive,” Jamie replied, rolling her eyes.

“Never mind then…”

“That’s probably the third never mind I heard this morning.”

I looked at her. Her ever brilliant memory was coming to work again. I counted back. Yeah, three never minds.

That was when I heard another footstep and something like it hit a metal bar of the construction site we were walking past now.

I immediately turned back again.

“Who is that?”

No answer.


“Who are you talking to?” Jamie turned, she turned around with me.

There was no one there at all.

“No one I guess.”

I turned, expecting to hear nothing else and have a peaceful time going to school with Jamie.

But boy, was I wrong.

I think the letterings are kind of big….but hell burn! Hope you had enjoyed it:) I'll try to update the Reuniting Blues as soon as i can!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Reuniting Blues Voting!

Okay! I know this is very exciting!>< But calm down as it'll work out just fine for u!

I know i haven't been updating much as i've been planning for this because i'll be away for a bout one week and more. Do help spread this by clicking the sharing buttons at the bottom of the pages:)


Choices for the ending of Reuniting Blues:

This will be a easy voting and the voting panel will be at the side of this blog(Do help spread and clarify to others who don't know ok?:))

Choice 1>> A Happy ever after ending(Which will be continued with RB2)

Choice 2>> A Drastic twist(Will be seen if there will be RB2)

Choice 3>> An ending made by the RM Family group on Line(I'm in it but i changed my phone so i'm asking them to help add me back in^^) It'll be a round robin story made by your RM fanbases^^ such as @Runners_Addict and also @SJH_FB :)

Choice 4>>A romantic and sizzling ending(if this is chosen it will be on and i have an account there and the Reuniting Blues is there too^^)

Choice 5>> An ending which i formed up myself(but will not have RB2…)

Okay, so everyone understood?:)

This voting session will take place from today all the way until June 21th (the day after i get back)

After it is decided, i'll write the ending straight away!:) If it is the round robin, aka Choice 3, i'm not sure when we will finish but i'll make it as fast as possible!

So hope you all will support this voting and do share it to every RM fan you know!^^(or monday couple:)) Hope more people will get to know this fan fiction through this voting too^^

And to those at, i'm leaving this link to my blog: Do Support!^^

-sjh_danielle signing off^^

P.S. The last voting of your favourite member, the winner is none other than…
She's too shocked>.<

Hahathere was a close match between Gary and her and i swear i did not vote:) Thank you for all the people who voted!;D Do support this one too! XD

Sunday 18 May 2014

The Blogger's note

Hello everyone!:)

I just found out i have zero views today! How unappetising… I felt like giving you all an update on my future works, ongoing and some stuff you can take note^^

For the fan fictions:

As for this part, I'll talk about Reuniting Blues first.
It is my most popular and circulated work and theres probably one or two chapters left(Idk) but you know how a person i am…i don't exactly plot my story, all the ideas come while i'm actually writing for that chapter(When people tell me to update). So it probably may have more chapters but idk…i feel it may be too draggy if i put like so many more chapters. So i'll most likely return with the second Reuniting Blues. I'll let you all know about that^^ I'm planning on a fan fiction on after Running Man or the pace where they may be getting married:) I hope you all will anticipate this work^6

For the Percabeth, A Love Story,
I'll still be continuing the series at a pace you all know:) But theres something special about this work:) There will be fun disclaimer at the end of which you all may join if keen and you just have to comment^^(I'll pick the person who comments first) and just remember to write down your name too(or i'l call u by your account name which would be funny). And also, a little QandA session in every chapter. The Q will be at the end before the disclaimer and the answer will be the next chapter^^
Hope you all will anticipate this work with the other fan fiction that i have^^

Thats probably the end for those and now for some stuff you all may want to take note:

-The * at the end of every part(you should know if you've read like most of my works), i just started doing this for your convenience. It will start with less * and it'll increase, so you'll know if its nearing the ending yet or not(Like Youtube videos).

-Also, please…comment or something like that… i feel so bored when my fan fictions don't have comments…on this blog…on other places like asianfanfics theres actually a lot and i thank them for that…but here it seems so lonely and sad…:(

So yeah. This is the end
I hope you all understood what meant and all those crap(haha) i said so yeah^^ 

Continue supporting!XD


P.S Just realised i used so many types of fonts:) i'm bored

Friday 16 May 2014

Percabeth, A Love Story: Chapter 2

HEY YO PPL!:) I hope you had enjoyed the first chapter:))
I'm thinking of starting a ask the question at the end and the ans will be at the next chapter:)
Hope you will also enjoy this chapter^^
"Um..Aphrodite? Why are you here?" I was kind of annoyed, why was she here anyway?
"Guess who am i!" Aphrodite exclaimed, batting her atrocious added-on eyelashes at me.
"Um...Aphrodite?.." I answered, didn't really understood what she was saying. Aphrodite is Aphrodite! Unless..
"Annabeth..Me." I added, sighing, the goddess was me and Percy's everlasting fan.
"YES! I can't believe you are here! But where is your seaweed brain? Don't tell me you aren't visiting him?" The goddess looked at her, giving her a look of 'don't tell me..'
"Yeah, i'm visiting him later," I couldn't help but suppress a smile, i've not seen him so long...
"And you have got that look at your face! Thank god i matched both of you up!" She squeaked happily and went off to the council of Olympus.
I almost forgot. The council of the Gods! I saw familiar faces there, looking at me sympathetically. Zeus, who was having one of his dramatic sighs, Percy's dad, Poseidon, was giving me a wink, which i replied with a smile. Apollo was grinning at me, mouthing the words, 'not to worry, i got this covered', which said,"Excuse me for a good moment for my poetry."
Everyone groaned, but he continued,
"Percy and Annabeth is together, Aphrodite hopes they will gather."
It made no sense, but the name Percy struck me in my heart. Giddiness took over and i missed those gorgeous sea-green eyes.
"Aw...look at her!" Aphrodite commented. I looked over, her eyes were dreamy. Argh.
Hephastus made this time to tell her," Give them some space, dear..."
"B-but...they are too cute..." I wanted to vomit.
"Um...Annabeth? You want to go know? Aphrodite's making me want to piss off."
I looked over, Thalia was fake-puking as Aphrodite stared daggers at her.
"You Hunters! Don't appreciate love!" Aphrodite screamed.
"You know, making an enemy with a god isn't good you know..."I told Thalia as we walked towards the lift to bring us back to Manhattan.
"My Hunters  don't need a boy!"I heard Artemis retort as Thalia flashed a smile at me.

I miss that wise girl so much.
If only she did not need to design all those buildings...but well, if i were a god, i would only get Annabeth to do that, she's the best architect ever and i'm not exaggerating. If the entire council of Olympus wants that person to design, that person had to be good.
If only...when ever i think of Annabeth these days, theres always a 'if only'. I really wish i could be back at Camp Half Blood or at least spending my time with her rather then daydreaming while doing homework.
What if she could go to the same school as me? That will be so damn cool! She'll pulverise(Another word by the clever girl) everyone in their studies and her looks will beat any other girl in Goode. I'd love to see the faces of my friends and especially that small fanclub that started in school when i show them my girlfriend.
Especially Clarisse(not the Child of Ares), the 'best' looking girl in school, according to my friends but i always told them that Annabeth was ten times way better than her. Something strange, is that whenever i say that, i'll get a snicker that no one else can hear, weirder is that it was a girl's voice.
"Percy!" I could hear Mom yelling. It was mid-afternoon. Way to spend an afternoon doing nothing...
"Yes mom?" I struggled out of bed, somehow, eventhough i did nothing, but laying in bed the entire afternoon made me sleepy.
"Go out for a walk. You shouldn't stay at home the whole day in your room!" My mom gave me a blue waffle that she must've made and i went out of the whole munching on the pastry happily.
Where should i go though? I thought curiously. I looked around and felt a familiar tug. I feel that i shoud go somewhere with water. I wonder...Some place that has water...
I scrutinised(Haha...yeah i know the meaning wise girl) the place, putting my awesome water senses into use. I was exactly 180 metres from a water body. On the directions, it was a road of which of turning left after 10 metres, walking straight for 40 metres and turning right walking for 60 metres then finally 70 metres through a park there was the water body! 
Weird though, my senses feel another thing is there. 
And it seems to be something special.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!:))
And i forgot a disclaimer for the previous chapter so i'll be doing one in this chapter^^ My disclaimer will be special:) And also the question on the PJO and HOO that u all may ans^^

What is Percy's full and real name?(easy one)

I guess you should know the answer will be released at the next chapter^^
Annabeth: Why am i here?
Me: Weren't you looking for Percy?
Annabeth: Hey! No spoilers!
Me; Gosh sorry Annabeth! But would you mind if you help me say something?
Annabeth:  What is it?
Me: Oh..nothing really(whispers into her ear)
Annabeth: Oh Sure! Wait, i think it'll be better with a speaker.
Me: What?!
Me: Thank you Annabeth! Lets go listen to some pop music shouldn't we?
Annabeth: Um...i guess so...but DO YOU KNOW THAT, Taylor Swift started writing songs at 11?....
(Annabeth and me heads on talking about songs and Taylor Swift and stuff...)