Sunday 18 May 2014

The Blogger's note

Hello everyone!:)

I just found out i have zero views today! How unappetising… I felt like giving you all an update on my future works, ongoing and some stuff you can take note^^

For the fan fictions:

As for this part, I'll talk about Reuniting Blues first.
It is my most popular and circulated work and theres probably one or two chapters left(Idk) but you know how a person i am…i don't exactly plot my story, all the ideas come while i'm actually writing for that chapter(When people tell me to update). So it probably may have more chapters but idk…i feel it may be too draggy if i put like so many more chapters. So i'll most likely return with the second Reuniting Blues. I'll let you all know about that^^ I'm planning on a fan fiction on after Running Man or the pace where they may be getting married:) I hope you all will anticipate this work^6

For the Percabeth, A Love Story,
I'll still be continuing the series at a pace you all know:) But theres something special about this work:) There will be fun disclaimer at the end of which you all may join if keen and you just have to comment^^(I'll pick the person who comments first) and just remember to write down your name too(or i'l call u by your account name which would be funny). And also, a little QandA session in every chapter. The Q will be at the end before the disclaimer and the answer will be the next chapter^^
Hope you all will anticipate this work with the other fan fiction that i have^^

Thats probably the end for those and now for some stuff you all may want to take note:

-The * at the end of every part(you should know if you've read like most of my works), i just started doing this for your convenience. It will start with less * and it'll increase, so you'll know if its nearing the ending yet or not(Like Youtube videos).

-Also, please…comment or something like that… i feel so bored when my fan fictions don't have comments…on this blog…on other places like asianfanfics theres actually a lot and i thank them for that…but here it seems so lonely and sad…:(

So yeah. This is the end
I hope you all understood what meant and all those crap(haha) i said so yeah^^ 

Continue supporting!XD


P.S Just realised i used so many types of fonts:) i'm bored

Friday 16 May 2014

Percabeth, A Love Story: Chapter 2

HEY YO PPL!:) I hope you had enjoyed the first chapter:))
I'm thinking of starting a ask the question at the end and the ans will be at the next chapter:)
Hope you will also enjoy this chapter^^
"Um..Aphrodite? Why are you here?" I was kind of annoyed, why was she here anyway?
"Guess who am i!" Aphrodite exclaimed, batting her atrocious added-on eyelashes at me.
"Um...Aphrodite?.." I answered, didn't really understood what she was saying. Aphrodite is Aphrodite! Unless..
"Annabeth..Me." I added, sighing, the goddess was me and Percy's everlasting fan.
"YES! I can't believe you are here! But where is your seaweed brain? Don't tell me you aren't visiting him?" The goddess looked at her, giving her a look of 'don't tell me..'
"Yeah, i'm visiting him later," I couldn't help but suppress a smile, i've not seen him so long...
"And you have got that look at your face! Thank god i matched both of you up!" She squeaked happily and went off to the council of Olympus.
I almost forgot. The council of the Gods! I saw familiar faces there, looking at me sympathetically. Zeus, who was having one of his dramatic sighs, Percy's dad, Poseidon, was giving me a wink, which i replied with a smile. Apollo was grinning at me, mouthing the words, 'not to worry, i got this covered', which said,"Excuse me for a good moment for my poetry."
Everyone groaned, but he continued,
"Percy and Annabeth is together, Aphrodite hopes they will gather."
It made no sense, but the name Percy struck me in my heart. Giddiness took over and i missed those gorgeous sea-green eyes.
"Aw...look at her!" Aphrodite commented. I looked over, her eyes were dreamy. Argh.
Hephastus made this time to tell her," Give them some space, dear..."
"B-but...they are too cute..." I wanted to vomit.
"Um...Annabeth? You want to go know? Aphrodite's making me want to piss off."
I looked over, Thalia was fake-puking as Aphrodite stared daggers at her.
"You Hunters! Don't appreciate love!" Aphrodite screamed.
"You know, making an enemy with a god isn't good you know..."I told Thalia as we walked towards the lift to bring us back to Manhattan.
"My Hunters  don't need a boy!"I heard Artemis retort as Thalia flashed a smile at me.

I miss that wise girl so much.
If only she did not need to design all those buildings...but well, if i were a god, i would only get Annabeth to do that, she's the best architect ever and i'm not exaggerating. If the entire council of Olympus wants that person to design, that person had to be good.
If only...when ever i think of Annabeth these days, theres always a 'if only'. I really wish i could be back at Camp Half Blood or at least spending my time with her rather then daydreaming while doing homework.
What if she could go to the same school as me? That will be so damn cool! She'll pulverise(Another word by the clever girl) everyone in their studies and her looks will beat any other girl in Goode. I'd love to see the faces of my friends and especially that small fanclub that started in school when i show them my girlfriend.
Especially Clarisse(not the Child of Ares), the 'best' looking girl in school, according to my friends but i always told them that Annabeth was ten times way better than her. Something strange, is that whenever i say that, i'll get a snicker that no one else can hear, weirder is that it was a girl's voice.
"Percy!" I could hear Mom yelling. It was mid-afternoon. Way to spend an afternoon doing nothing...
"Yes mom?" I struggled out of bed, somehow, eventhough i did nothing, but laying in bed the entire afternoon made me sleepy.
"Go out for a walk. You shouldn't stay at home the whole day in your room!" My mom gave me a blue waffle that she must've made and i went out of the whole munching on the pastry happily.
Where should i go though? I thought curiously. I looked around and felt a familiar tug. I feel that i shoud go somewhere with water. I wonder...Some place that has water...
I scrutinised(Haha...yeah i know the meaning wise girl) the place, putting my awesome water senses into use. I was exactly 180 metres from a water body. On the directions, it was a road of which of turning left after 10 metres, walking straight for 40 metres and turning right walking for 60 metres then finally 70 metres through a park there was the water body! 
Weird though, my senses feel another thing is there. 
And it seems to be something special.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!:))
And i forgot a disclaimer for the previous chapter so i'll be doing one in this chapter^^ My disclaimer will be special:) And also the question on the PJO and HOO that u all may ans^^

What is Percy's full and real name?(easy one)

I guess you should know the answer will be released at the next chapter^^
Annabeth: Why am i here?
Me: Weren't you looking for Percy?
Annabeth: Hey! No spoilers!
Me; Gosh sorry Annabeth! But would you mind if you help me say something?
Annabeth:  What is it?
Me: Oh..nothing really(whispers into her ear)
Annabeth: Oh Sure! Wait, i think it'll be better with a speaker.
Me: What?!
Me: Thank you Annabeth! Lets go listen to some pop music shouldn't we?
Annabeth: Um...i guess so...but DO YOU KNOW THAT, Taylor Swift started writing songs at 11?....
(Annabeth and me heads on talking about songs and Taylor Swift and stuff...)

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Reuniting Blues Chapter 37: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Lee Kwang Soo is too flustered.

His noona was gone and her manager didn't know where she went.

Sweat was pouring down his face. They were stuck on his shirt and he didn't know what to do.

He tried calling all the Running Man members, but they all said they didn't see them. Well except his Gary hyung. He was scared that if he knew that Ji Hyo was gone he will go crazy.

Then a sudden thought reached him, what if Ji Hyo and his hyung was just having one of their dates and didn't answer the phone?

He felt relieved for a moment, but his gut never left him.

He knew something was wrong.

"Gary hyung! Listen!!"He cried and looked at his phone expectantly.

But, he didn't answer.
Kang Gary barrelled himself through the door.

His head felt thoroughly bruised, but he didn't care, i'll just wear a cap if needed.

The guards were startled and didn't even move as Gary punched them and kicked them.

The moves were beautiful, kicking and punching as if they were punchbags as they came one by one.

They were like those hard, evil punchbags that were in his way and he used his punching skills to beat them down one by one.

He did a flying kick for the last one and he quickly headed for the stairs, a surge of adrenaline filling his veins. He had no time to admire his handiwork, he had to save Ji Hyo.

Why did she come anyway? That bapo…Gary thought as he raced up the fire escape.

That was when he saw Baek Chang Jo flung out of a room, not clothed at all.
"You were as stupid as you are, Chang Jo."

Ji Hyo opened her big wide eyes.

"B-but…i thought…"Chang Jo was flustered as he grabbed a towel to cover himself.

"You think a sujo drinker like me will fall for that so easily? And look at you! Pathetic…" Ji Hyo's eyes flared.

She had opened her eyes right when he wanted to bring her down. That was the exact moment where she thought if it was a drama would embarrass or shame the bad guy the most.

"Bitchoso? JJinja…Chang Jo yah…Na, BAPO!" She kicked him once in his looms then flung him out of the door.

She stood up and took all the tapes off herself. Chang Jo doesn't know her fully at all.

"Ji Hyo?" A familiar voice came from outside the door.

She stood there. She didn't know who it was.

"Who are you?"

His head peeked into the room. His eyes were covered by his hands, though it opened a little to peek.

"Yah! Kang Gary! Where did you go? I was worried sick!"Ji Hyo ran over to him, embracing him in a rib-breaking hug.

"You're gonna cause me to loose my heart circulation!"Gary yelled, but didn't let go.

"Aw…your face is all red!" Ji Hyo laughed as Gary picked her up bridal style, bringing her out of the door bridal style.

They walked over the cringing Baek Chang Jo and headed quickly to the exit.

That was when they heard a cry from a familiar betrayer.
Lee Kwang Soo walked around his noona's house frantically.

Sweat was going down his face.

His phone began to ring.


"Yes! Thank you soooo much!"

He rushed out of the house, grabbing his car keys and driving off onto the busy roads.

baek chang jo..baek chang jo…who is that? Kwang Soo thought, as he drove in an earth shattering speed towards a person named Baek Chang Jo's office.

Once he reached, he got down and he was utterly shocked, the company's name was CJEM.

Isn't that Ji Hyo noona's company? He uttered to himself as he opened the door leading to the entrance.

He was appalled. There was man everywhere, guarding the place. Once they saw him, they scrambled towards him. He was scared but he ran to the staircase and went up screaming, he ran as fast as he could, as if dinosaurs were chasing him. But the bodyguards were as quick, they thundered right behind him.

Looks like this is the end…He thought as he saw the figures of his hyung and noona in front of him, looking startled.
Sorry if this was a short update but i am seriously busy and i just wanted to write for a while as tomorrow's my english exam:) I hope to pass with flying colours^^

Continue supporting me! And do check out my new fan fiction Percabeth, A Love Story^^ You can check for the links for it at My Writes-Chapter Links:)

Yeah, i'm a PJO HOO and Percabeth fan too^^ if any of u r also fans, do tell me:)) I'm happy to know that and do support my fanfic thats available both on this blog and on watt pad !:))


P.S. comment, subscribe and follow me:)vote for watt pad and asianfanfics:)

Percabeth, A Love Story: Chapter 1

Hello People! I know i havent updated much for the other fanfiction, but you can find it on my blog, ! Currently, due to Percabeth overload(I seriously love those two), i decided to start this fanfiction here^^ I may post this on my blog if i have time, but well, if you all want:) Enough saying, i'll get the ball rolling...
Where is that wise girl when i needed her?
My mind was grinding from this dumb algebra. I decided to rest for a while, or i'll seriously get a headache from all these questions. I grabbed a bottle of blue soda and walked to the living room where my mom and my stepdad Paul snuggled cosily at the sofa watching tv.
I didn't want to disturb them, but i guess i did. They glanced behind and my mom's look told me to join them. I took a glup from the bottle and headed over. They were watching some romance chickflicks that i've grown to love (a term that Annabeth teached me).
A guy was dumping his girlfriend and she was getting to all those tissues(what a jerk). Annabeth tells me that i've become a woman's man after watching all these movies, well i guess so, i hate those guys.
And tommorow? I guess for an after Gaia's war was a good time to rest, but no, i had to finish my studies.  Can't i just get a job in my father's castle? They'll just tell me to be a god, but well, i can't leave Annabeth! Unless the both of us become gods...
Suddenly, the house erupted into flames. Really.
But my parents did not even flinch, weird. I glanced around. Don't tell me theres a monster here again...
"You must have thought it was a monster, didn't you?" A familiar sound rumbled behind me.
I reached for my pen, Riptide. Oh gosh, i left it back at my table, and this pants are well, pocket-less.
I knew who it was, not Annabeth (duh...i wouldn't want to kill her), it was, though i wish she was killed off already, the empousa, Kelli.
"Surely you aren't a hologram?" I said bravely, dashing towards my room in gust, she followed me, close on tail.
My mother must've seen it, as she whispered into Paul's ear and they went into their room.
Right when the television was turned off with a click, Riptide was in my hands. I brushed off its cover and a shining bright Anaklumos appeared on my hand, fresh in celestial bronze that monsters hated.
I'm a half-blood by the way, half god half human, otherwise known as a demigod. Son of Poseidon coming through. I slashed hard towards her navel, but she swirled backwards. I fought enough empousas in two wars, this was easy, she has no chance.
I jumped forward, bringing the sword down. She disintegrated into a pile of dust. I turned on the fan to blow the dust away. I silently made a prayer to my father to hope that this empousa doesn't come back so fast again.
I was uncapping my sword when my parents came in. They had swords in their hands and my mom was wearing armour. 
I was bursting out in laughter as they became red faced. 
"Mom! Paul! What are you two doing? You should've just stayed at your room!"I said, the sight of them made me crack up again.
"Is that monster gone?" My mom asked in a concern tone.
"Slayed into bits," I took out my pen.
She smiled and went out of my room.
I was looking at my pen, the engraving of Anaklumos on it made me nostalgic. I have forgotten how much i missed Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter. All my friends. Especially Annabeth. She was working in Olympus, rebuilding from scratch her works that were destroyed during Gaia's war. She was distraught(another word from the wise queen) when she knew that most of her beautiful architectual works were destroyed to bits. I could still remember her saying, "I'll make better buildings, with more protection."
Her face, with godly swirls of blonde hair, was absolutely beautiful. I missed her so damn much. Her startling grey eyes that would always greet me, her every emotion was so sweet. I would never want to leave her, or lose her.
I brought out my notebook, where i put my favorite pictures and such. Annabeth's face greeted me on the cover. I touched her face, reminding me of her alluring(yet another) laugh and her comments at me. It made me want to see her now.
But where is she?

My t-shirt must've been a sign of who i was as monsters came to greet me at once.
Thank gods my cap was there. They could only smell my scent but i had to get away fast. Some mortals around me must've wondered where i wondered to, but Thalia fixed it by a flick of her fingers.
Thalia, my wonderful friend, had agreed to go with me to Olympus. She was worried that i had lost my weapon and hence wanted to be my personal bodyguard. A Hunter she was, she looked way better with Artemis' touch, she was glowing and her silver bow made it better.
"Whatcha staring at me like that?" Thalia grumbled, i could feel electricity flowing through my hair.
"I was just thinking how being a Hunter would make one so beautiful."
"Then join!" Thalia fixed her eyes on me but i let out a sigh.
"I can't leave Percy!" I said. "And you know that!"
She groaned and said something like, boys again.
It made me sigh. I can't believe how much i missed Percy. His sea-green eyes and that alluring mischievous smile of his, those messy black hair that i love, the feeling of safety whenever he was around.
"You've got that look on your face again, thinking about him?" Thalia asked as we were in the lift to the 600th floor.
My confused look must've told her the answer.
"I need to work now! Come on Thalia!"
The sight of Olympus still made me amazed. Those beautiful tree tops and well, destroyed buildings, but the background of the sky must have enhanced the look. I wanted this place to look utterly amazing, better than any other remake of Olympus, the best there can ever be. Oh god, here comes my hubris.
"Hey, Jonathon, fix this up for me," I passed a blueprint to a minor god, who with dazed eyes just sauntered away.
"Tyson!" I spotted a friend of mine.
He turned and a gigantic eye galnced at me, his mouth moved to become a smile.
"Annabeth!" His hands could almost crush my entire body, but thank god it did not.
"Thalia!" He must've spotted her as he walked over to give her the same treatment.
" hugs..." She squeaked.
After being a Hunter, she could not have contact with men, but the main reason was that she was currently scared of the heights of Olympus and Cyclops was a possible reason of her downfall to become a pine tree.
Tyson looked as if he wanted to cry. I felt like Thalia at first, but i found that he was a good buddy and liked him, but not like how i like Percy, but what?! way...Sorry about my outburst in my brain. Why am i saying sorry to my brain?
After the ever crazy moment, Thalia just went and hugged him.
"An exception" She mouthed at me and i grinned.
I asked Tyson to tell his soldiers to help move some boulders to Jonathon the minor god and sat down on a bench nearby to rest.
"What do you want to do later?"
"I don't know..." I stared mindlessly into the sky.
"How about we go to Riverside park to rest for a while and check on the nymphs and such?"
"Fine...anyway.." we may find Percy there!
"Anyway what?"
"Say!" She brought out her bow.
"Not telling!" I yelled as i ran away as fast as i could to the construction site.
I could hear giggles from behind me. I thought it was Thalia, but when i turned around, a woman who looked almost like me was standing behing me. She shined brightly and was absolutely beautiful, but i knew who it was.
Aphrodite (pronounced as A-FRO-DY-TEE), the goddess of love was standing right in front of me, looking just like me.
I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!:))
This will be set after the war between Gaia and such(U should know if u read PJ n HOO)this is just in case Rick Riordan's not continuing the great adventures of PJ and AC:)...
Continue supporting me! I'm publishing this on my blog now^^

Saturday 10 May 2014

Reuniting Blues Chapter 36: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Before starting to read the new chapter(I promise it will be great:)), watch this Reuniting Blues trailer that you may or may not have watched!:)) I just made it^^ Hope its nice:
And just a little help for the mode, you can listen to this while reading the new chapter to liften yourself to the mood from the romantic tune of the video:):

Song Ji Hyo went blank.

Her hand's energy drained out of her and the paper floated to the ground.

As guilty as it was, the paper still managed to glide gracefully away as if it had planned a prepared runaway.

Her eyesight went bleary and her teardrops glistened, streaming down her cheeks profusely. She was so confused, why did they take Gary? She was scared, what if they are torturing him right now?

She couldn't think of that. Touch wood! She screamed at herself. Her face was red with tears now. Crouching down on the ground, she felt it was like any other scene she saw in her favourite dramas. But now, it was real. She felt the feelings. The deep emotional feelings that are draining her energy. She couldn't loose him…

Her head only had an idea and that was to look for a person whose name started with B.
"Let me go!" He tried yelling.

But all that came out was "MMMM!MMM!MMM!"

He felt hopeless. He was all heroic just now, but here, he was somewhat pathetic.

His heart is pumping really fast now.

What if Ji Hyo was also captured?

His hands ripped out of the tight plastic straps around him.

He would've been astonished at his sudden strength but he had no time to waste.

He rushed towards the door, to find it locked. He banged at the door a few times, hoping hell be like Kim Tan then, knocking down the door.

No such luck. After a few tiring beatings, the door only sustained some unshaped lumps. He crashed to the floor as a voice came from above, which he heard clearly, "Song Ji Hyo is here sir."
Song Ji Hyo was afraid.

She didn't know what to do.

The only word in her head was to tell her run away, but she stood astill, while some of that 'guy''s people hurried to his walkie talkie to another minion.

"Yeah…she's here! Hurry tell boss! Otherwise were grilled if she suddenly gets away!" He yelled to the talkie in hushed tones.

As if i cannot hear that… Ji Hyo groaned.

Why had she gotten herself into this mess? I should not have even became his yeoja-chingu…

She sighed as a man dressed in a rather tight suit walked towards her.

He yelled in a language she didn't really understand(English) and two other men dressed in blue suits ran towards her and grasped her arms tightly.

"Hey! What are-" She couldn't speak of anything else but muffled screams, being cover with a handkerchief, she doused sleepily.

Being a person who watches a lot of dramas, she knew she would get into what mess later, though she didn't anticipate.

Her screamings got softer and slowly, she was piggybacked by a blue suited man who winked at his partner, who was checking if she was asleep.

Oh yes she was.
Lee Kwang Soo had the fear in his gut feeling again.

The feeling of which he felt when Ji Hyo went for his help last time.

He knew something was wrong.

He grabbed his phone and dialled the number of his favourite noona.

But it went into voicemail.

His face went pale and grabbed his coat.

He had to get out of his house right now and he knew there was trouble.
Baek Chang Jo was evil-laughing again.

That guffaw of his strangled through the earth-shattering walls of his office as an unconscious Ji Hyo was dragged into the room.

She was in ropes now and masking tapes were pasted on her mouth and ears plugged with earwax.

"Good job…You can leave now…" He ordered as the blue suited men sauntered out of the room.

After those people left, he walked slowly towards Ji Hyo.

He softly touched her cheeks, his face forming an sneakiest smile anyone could ever form.

"You are a fool… If you were awake now, you would've know where your beloved namja-chingu is. But you aren't! And you didn't even tell anyone about this!" He laughed heartily, as he went down to kiss her cheek softly.

"You fell so easily. You'll see what you're worth of…"
SO SO SO SORRY for not updating for so long!!

And this is a rather short one too…><

My examinations r ongoing so I'm in those crazy study modes…

I picked out the best time to do this…so yeah.
Hope you enjoyed this!^^

I'll update after exam as ill have lots of time then^^

And this the third last chapter of this fan fiction! I'll be continuing this later as Reuniting Blues 2 but its a total different matter and i won't press on so that it'll be a surprise^^

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

P.S. Comment, like, repost^^
Do check out my Youtube Channel too^^ The links are here:

Hop you'll help it! ill be doing updates often! And if you know, Im beginning to like squishies now… Do check out the latest vid haha: