Wednesday 14 May 2014

Percabeth, A Love Story: Chapter 1

Hello People! I know i havent updated much for the other fanfiction, but you can find it on my blog, ! Currently, due to Percabeth overload(I seriously love those two), i decided to start this fanfiction here^^ I may post this on my blog if i have time, but well, if you all want:) Enough saying, i'll get the ball rolling...
Where is that wise girl when i needed her?
My mind was grinding from this dumb algebra. I decided to rest for a while, or i'll seriously get a headache from all these questions. I grabbed a bottle of blue soda and walked to the living room where my mom and my stepdad Paul snuggled cosily at the sofa watching tv.
I didn't want to disturb them, but i guess i did. They glanced behind and my mom's look told me to join them. I took a glup from the bottle and headed over. They were watching some romance chickflicks that i've grown to love (a term that Annabeth teached me).
A guy was dumping his girlfriend and she was getting to all those tissues(what a jerk). Annabeth tells me that i've become a woman's man after watching all these movies, well i guess so, i hate those guys.
And tommorow? I guess for an after Gaia's war was a good time to rest, but no, i had to finish my studies.  Can't i just get a job in my father's castle? They'll just tell me to be a god, but well, i can't leave Annabeth! Unless the both of us become gods...
Suddenly, the house erupted into flames. Really.
But my parents did not even flinch, weird. I glanced around. Don't tell me theres a monster here again...
"You must have thought it was a monster, didn't you?" A familiar sound rumbled behind me.
I reached for my pen, Riptide. Oh gosh, i left it back at my table, and this pants are well, pocket-less.
I knew who it was, not Annabeth (duh...i wouldn't want to kill her), it was, though i wish she was killed off already, the empousa, Kelli.
"Surely you aren't a hologram?" I said bravely, dashing towards my room in gust, she followed me, close on tail.
My mother must've seen it, as she whispered into Paul's ear and they went into their room.
Right when the television was turned off with a click, Riptide was in my hands. I brushed off its cover and a shining bright Anaklumos appeared on my hand, fresh in celestial bronze that monsters hated.
I'm a half-blood by the way, half god half human, otherwise known as a demigod. Son of Poseidon coming through. I slashed hard towards her navel, but she swirled backwards. I fought enough empousas in two wars, this was easy, she has no chance.
I jumped forward, bringing the sword down. She disintegrated into a pile of dust. I turned on the fan to blow the dust away. I silently made a prayer to my father to hope that this empousa doesn't come back so fast again.
I was uncapping my sword when my parents came in. They had swords in their hands and my mom was wearing armour. 
I was bursting out in laughter as they became red faced. 
"Mom! Paul! What are you two doing? You should've just stayed at your room!"I said, the sight of them made me crack up again.
"Is that monster gone?" My mom asked in a concern tone.
"Slayed into bits," I took out my pen.
She smiled and went out of my room.
I was looking at my pen, the engraving of Anaklumos on it made me nostalgic. I have forgotten how much i missed Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter. All my friends. Especially Annabeth. She was working in Olympus, rebuilding from scratch her works that were destroyed during Gaia's war. She was distraught(another word from the wise queen) when she knew that most of her beautiful architectual works were destroyed to bits. I could still remember her saying, "I'll make better buildings, with more protection."
Her face, with godly swirls of blonde hair, was absolutely beautiful. I missed her so damn much. Her startling grey eyes that would always greet me, her every emotion was so sweet. I would never want to leave her, or lose her.
I brought out my notebook, where i put my favorite pictures and such. Annabeth's face greeted me on the cover. I touched her face, reminding me of her alluring(yet another) laugh and her comments at me. It made me want to see her now.
But where is she?

My t-shirt must've been a sign of who i was as monsters came to greet me at once.
Thank gods my cap was there. They could only smell my scent but i had to get away fast. Some mortals around me must've wondered where i wondered to, but Thalia fixed it by a flick of her fingers.
Thalia, my wonderful friend, had agreed to go with me to Olympus. She was worried that i had lost my weapon and hence wanted to be my personal bodyguard. A Hunter she was, she looked way better with Artemis' touch, she was glowing and her silver bow made it better.
"Whatcha staring at me like that?" Thalia grumbled, i could feel electricity flowing through my hair.
"I was just thinking how being a Hunter would make one so beautiful."
"Then join!" Thalia fixed her eyes on me but i let out a sigh.
"I can't leave Percy!" I said. "And you know that!"
She groaned and said something like, boys again.
It made me sigh. I can't believe how much i missed Percy. His sea-green eyes and that alluring mischievous smile of his, those messy black hair that i love, the feeling of safety whenever he was around.
"You've got that look on your face again, thinking about him?" Thalia asked as we were in the lift to the 600th floor.
My confused look must've told her the answer.
"I need to work now! Come on Thalia!"
The sight of Olympus still made me amazed. Those beautiful tree tops and well, destroyed buildings, but the background of the sky must have enhanced the look. I wanted this place to look utterly amazing, better than any other remake of Olympus, the best there can ever be. Oh god, here comes my hubris.
"Hey, Jonathon, fix this up for me," I passed a blueprint to a minor god, who with dazed eyes just sauntered away.
"Tyson!" I spotted a friend of mine.
He turned and a gigantic eye galnced at me, his mouth moved to become a smile.
"Annabeth!" His hands could almost crush my entire body, but thank god it did not.
"Thalia!" He must've spotted her as he walked over to give her the same treatment.
" hugs..." She squeaked.
After being a Hunter, she could not have contact with men, but the main reason was that she was currently scared of the heights of Olympus and Cyclops was a possible reason of her downfall to become a pine tree.
Tyson looked as if he wanted to cry. I felt like Thalia at first, but i found that he was a good buddy and liked him, but not like how i like Percy, but what?! way...Sorry about my outburst in my brain. Why am i saying sorry to my brain?
After the ever crazy moment, Thalia just went and hugged him.
"An exception" She mouthed at me and i grinned.
I asked Tyson to tell his soldiers to help move some boulders to Jonathon the minor god and sat down on a bench nearby to rest.
"What do you want to do later?"
"I don't know..." I stared mindlessly into the sky.
"How about we go to Riverside park to rest for a while and check on the nymphs and such?"
"Fine...anyway.." we may find Percy there!
"Anyway what?"
"Say!" She brought out her bow.
"Not telling!" I yelled as i ran away as fast as i could to the construction site.
I could hear giggles from behind me. I thought it was Thalia, but when i turned around, a woman who looked almost like me was standing behing me. She shined brightly and was absolutely beautiful, but i knew who it was.
Aphrodite (pronounced as A-FRO-DY-TEE), the goddess of love was standing right in front of me, looking just like me.
I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!:))
This will be set after the war between Gaia and such(U should know if u read PJ n HOO)this is just in case Rick Riordan's not continuing the great adventures of PJ and AC:)...
Continue supporting me! I'm publishing this on my blog now^^

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