Saturday 10 May 2014

Reuniting Blues Chapter 36: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Before starting to read the new chapter(I promise it will be great:)), watch this Reuniting Blues trailer that you may or may not have watched!:)) I just made it^^ Hope its nice:
And just a little help for the mode, you can listen to this while reading the new chapter to liften yourself to the mood from the romantic tune of the video:):

Song Ji Hyo went blank.

Her hand's energy drained out of her and the paper floated to the ground.

As guilty as it was, the paper still managed to glide gracefully away as if it had planned a prepared runaway.

Her eyesight went bleary and her teardrops glistened, streaming down her cheeks profusely. She was so confused, why did they take Gary? She was scared, what if they are torturing him right now?

She couldn't think of that. Touch wood! She screamed at herself. Her face was red with tears now. Crouching down on the ground, she felt it was like any other scene she saw in her favourite dramas. But now, it was real. She felt the feelings. The deep emotional feelings that are draining her energy. She couldn't loose him…

Her head only had an idea and that was to look for a person whose name started with B.
"Let me go!" He tried yelling.

But all that came out was "MMMM!MMM!MMM!"

He felt hopeless. He was all heroic just now, but here, he was somewhat pathetic.

His heart is pumping really fast now.

What if Ji Hyo was also captured?

His hands ripped out of the tight plastic straps around him.

He would've been astonished at his sudden strength but he had no time to waste.

He rushed towards the door, to find it locked. He banged at the door a few times, hoping hell be like Kim Tan then, knocking down the door.

No such luck. After a few tiring beatings, the door only sustained some unshaped lumps. He crashed to the floor as a voice came from above, which he heard clearly, "Song Ji Hyo is here sir."
Song Ji Hyo was afraid.

She didn't know what to do.

The only word in her head was to tell her run away, but she stood astill, while some of that 'guy''s people hurried to his walkie talkie to another minion.

"Yeah…she's here! Hurry tell boss! Otherwise were grilled if she suddenly gets away!" He yelled to the talkie in hushed tones.

As if i cannot hear that… Ji Hyo groaned.

Why had she gotten herself into this mess? I should not have even became his yeoja-chingu…

She sighed as a man dressed in a rather tight suit walked towards her.

He yelled in a language she didn't really understand(English) and two other men dressed in blue suits ran towards her and grasped her arms tightly.

"Hey! What are-" She couldn't speak of anything else but muffled screams, being cover with a handkerchief, she doused sleepily.

Being a person who watches a lot of dramas, she knew she would get into what mess later, though she didn't anticipate.

Her screamings got softer and slowly, she was piggybacked by a blue suited man who winked at his partner, who was checking if she was asleep.

Oh yes she was.
Lee Kwang Soo had the fear in his gut feeling again.

The feeling of which he felt when Ji Hyo went for his help last time.

He knew something was wrong.

He grabbed his phone and dialled the number of his favourite noona.

But it went into voicemail.

His face went pale and grabbed his coat.

He had to get out of his house right now and he knew there was trouble.
Baek Chang Jo was evil-laughing again.

That guffaw of his strangled through the earth-shattering walls of his office as an unconscious Ji Hyo was dragged into the room.

She was in ropes now and masking tapes were pasted on her mouth and ears plugged with earwax.

"Good job…You can leave now…" He ordered as the blue suited men sauntered out of the room.

After those people left, he walked slowly towards Ji Hyo.

He softly touched her cheeks, his face forming an sneakiest smile anyone could ever form.

"You are a fool… If you were awake now, you would've know where your beloved namja-chingu is. But you aren't! And you didn't even tell anyone about this!" He laughed heartily, as he went down to kiss her cheek softly.

"You fell so easily. You'll see what you're worth of…"
SO SO SO SORRY for not updating for so long!!

And this is a rather short one too…><

My examinations r ongoing so I'm in those crazy study modes…

I picked out the best time to do this…so yeah.
Hope you enjoyed this!^^

I'll update after exam as ill have lots of time then^^

And this the third last chapter of this fan fiction! I'll be continuing this later as Reuniting Blues 2 but its a total different matter and i won't press on so that it'll be a surprise^^

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

P.S. Comment, like, repost^^
Do check out my Youtube Channel too^^ The links are here:

Hop you'll help it! ill be doing updates often! And if you know, Im beginning to like squishies now… Do check out the latest vid haha:

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