Tuesday 19 November 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 13: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Song Ji Hyo kept driving upwards.

Her eyes scanning the vicinity for signs of the little carpark-like place Gary had told her about. Yes, she was suspicious about the place and why Gary had known about it. She was also suspicious about why Kang Gary would chase after her. 

Why did you look for me?…And how did you know i was in trouble?…

Song Ji Hyo's heart wavered. Part of her was excited about reconciling with her long-lost Gunie oppa, the other part, totally brainwashing her that he may not know her, and that they will never have a good future. The bad part of her heart was secretly telling her all the lies, concluding about her Monday boyfriend just looked for her because Mrs Kim told him to, and that he is just worrying as a friend.

"Hais…Sung Im! Stay Strong! Anyway, all the thinking may just be me only…" Song Ji Hyo was totally depressed at her own contagious thoughts, which was going to bring her to a greater danger in the later future.
"Yes long time no call! How are you?" Gary called his old elementary school friend, whom was leaving near the mountainside.

"Ah…Hee Gun, ah…I heard about you! You are now LeeSsang's Kang Gary, right? Oh and i absolutely love your role at Running Man! Monday boyfriend to Song Ji Hyo? Wah…you so lucky!" His friend replied, leaving him in redness from hearing that.

"Ah..yes…Um…i'm just calling for a favour, can you-" Gary told his friend some instructions before hanging up, continuing driving up the steep slope speedily.
"Ah! there it is!" Ji Hyo shouted, she was really excited.

Looking at the twig-made sign, depicting 'Jamsil's five men spot', she swerved quickly into the opening and emerged to a wide-sized area where there were piles of paper, musical instruments, some microphones and a few photo momentos.

"Daebak!" Ji Hyo came out from the car, slamming the car doors, she walked towards the stage-like area, where lots of lyrics lay on the papers.

By Kang Hee Gun

(Yes Okay)

The soft writing of Gary lay on those papers and when Ji hyo read them, it was mostly all the older songs of LeeSsang, which had slightly yellowish tinges around them.

"Wah…Kang Gary wrote them here?" Ji Hyo said in awe, looking at the pictures next to the trees, there were selcas of Gary and Gil, plus some of the other members which had debuted with them last time.

"Oh…this must be where they practised last time! OMG! Look at this picture of Gary! He looks so young!" Ji Hyo picked out a photo of a teenage Gary.

"Omo! He's so handsome!" Ji hyo shrieked out unwittingly.

Did i just say Gary is handsome?…

Ji Hyo went into blank-mode, the previous memory that she had thought of came to her mind…

"Hahaha! Sung Im is a loser! Sung Im is a loser! Haha!" the former bully in my preschool jeered at me, pulling out an upside down thumbs-up in my face.

I cringed my teeth, i wanted to do a punch right at his face, or arm-bar him, or even do a flying kick! But Gunie Oppa said no, so i won't.

"Why? You don't want to fight? Haha…Sung Im is a scaredy-cat! Sung Im is a scaredy-cat!" The bully continued jeering.

I was enraged then, adrenaline was pouring into my blood vessels in litres, as if my body was telling me to kill him right there and then. I could not control it anymore, i wanted to kick his butt!

But i was too slow, he brought out a punch in my stomach, capsizing my 5 year-old body. 

"Argh…Yah! Jugelle!" I brought out an insult to bury him in his face, only to be hit by another elbow on my shoulder.

They were jeering really hard now and i want them to stop. Then, a miracle happened. 

A dark shadow loomed over me, he brought me behind his back, blocking me away from the bad people. 

"Imie! Kwenchana?" It was Gunie oppa! I almost stifled a tear.

"i'm okay…" I replied, looking straight into his caring eyes.

"Yah! What are you doing to Imie?" Gunie oppa shouted at those jerks,making me smile.

"Who are you?" The bully sneered at Gunie oppa, i thought it was funny as Gunie oppa was taller than him by a lot and he was 10.

"I'm her oppa! You should not have beaten her up, otherwise, i will show you my boxing skills!" Gunie Oppa clenched a fist menacingly in front of them, making them flinch in fright.

"Oh…Mianhe…I won't, ever again," The jeering bully of before actually bowed down to Gunie oppa! I was so happy then, but i didn't know that the bully's brother was even worse, he was a gangster!

The reason why i needed an SOS before was because of this accident…

As Gunie oppa was worried about me, he went home with me everyday then, as he was on holiday then and i was not (yeah…preschools are like that). And he was staying at my house.

One day, as we were walking back home, a burly guy, with looks of 16 appeared with a few other twin-like guys about 14. They had tattoos over their body and i shivered in fear behind Gunie oppa as i was that small, if i had been bigger, like now, i would bash them up, do a few Taekwondo moves, wrestling and my famous flying kick.

"Are you Sung Im?And you are her oppa, righto?" The gangster-like guy asked, flexing his head and shoulders while doing so.

"Imie, go run to that convenience store, oppa will handle this," Gunie oppa ordered me, but i was reluctant to go. Seeing the difference in the size of Gunie oppa and the bad guy, i was super worried and he almost had to carry me to the store.

I peeked out from the transparent glass panel of the store and i saw Gunie oppa spouting insults at the bad guy. I knew the result of the match and i couldn't bear to see it, but i had to show my oppa support.

All i saw was the bad guy getting angry and ordering his comrades in hand to beat Gunie oppa up. But  Gunie oppa stood there, no sign of defeat, clenching his fists tightly as a crowd gathered to see. His eyes wandered for me before turning back at the two gangsters coming right towards him, a tear slid out from his right eye as he showed off his boxing skills. Punching there and another place in lightning speed. Although he was good at such an age, I knew he could not take it from the head of the gang.

I silently came down from the table i was standing on to watch and ran out to the pavement of the street.

"Oppa! JungGi(stop)!"
Hi! Im back again! from yesterday! i will be uploading the pictures tmw as I'm on a project! And what project, you would say, its A Page at my blog that has all the links to all RM eps!!! You excited? I sure is! There will be no adflys or whatever shorten URL ads for my links! So you can watch them free and easy!^^ Hope u will support! The links will be featured on the top panels once I'm ready!:))
-Sjhdanielle(Song Ji Hyo Doodles)
P.S. I really enjoy reading comments as it brightens my mood all the time!^^Gumawo! Hop u had enjoyed this chapter too! And hope that my fight scene was exciting…(first timer…)

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