Tuesday 26 November 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 18: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Song Ji Hyo was in her bathroom when the doorbell rang.

She was still in her undergarments, covering her hands in lotion. When she heard the bell, she ran to her wardrobe flustered, taking out random clothing. And the random clothing was sleepwear, a silky dress that went to her thighs.

"Coming! Coming!" Ji Hyo shouted, not caring about what she was wearing and ran to the doors, pressing the button for the gates to open.

There, emerged a black Lexus car, the driver in sunglasses and business suit. Once Ji Hyo saw the car, she knew whom was the driver. It was her CEO, Baek Chang Jo, also her ex-boyfriend. She sighed and looked at herself, she was in no state of meeting him now.

"But…hais…" Ji Hyo pulled her hair back in frustration as Chang Jo came out of his car, his hands in his pockets as he coolly stride towards Ji Hyo.

"Sung Im shii~Sorry to disturb you, as i see you are in no state to see me, but i have matters to discuss with you," Chang Jo took out his sunglasses, putting it by his collar as he closed in to Ji Hyo, sniffing in her banana flavoured lotion.

Ji Hyo said nothing and followed him to the living room, as he had been here lots of times, he was thoroughly familiar with Ji Hyo's house, though Ji Hyo had locked her room whenever he came. They sat down on the sofas, opposite each other as Ji Hyo's manager stood behind her.

"I have received news on you at Sanseongri today, may i know why? And truthfully. I know i can see through your acting and your normal actions…" Chang Jo warned as he asked her.

"…I…I-was out to…meet my neighbours of before…" Ji Hyo said calmly, but inside, she was squirming.

"Okay…so what you said on the news was false…but continue, who was your neighbour?" Chang Jo pressed on, as he led her to a conversation which Ji Hyo couldn't have imagined.

"…Mrs Kim, she owns a chain of dessert stores and i went there to meet her again…" Ji Hyo answered, her toes temporary twitching from Chang Jo's momentum of his questions.

"Oh…Mrs Kim's dessert store? Oh, I've been there before. But, why is Kang Gary with you, then?" Chang Jo asked, inching towards the front so that his were on Ji Hyo, which made her nervous.

"Kang…Ga-Gary? No! He wasn't with me! I went there alone," Ji Hyo retorted, but it was all too obvious to Chang Jo, he knew that Ji Hyo was lying.

"Sung Im ah…I've been observing you for some time! You were on Gary's car. And the car outside, i know very well that it isn't yours! It's that Kang's!" Chang Jo burst out pointing to the car outside, identical to Ji Hyo's one at the mountains.

"You stalked me? What for?! And why has Gary got o do with this situation?" Ji Hyo almost cried, she didn't want to drag her Gunie Oppa to this situation.

"What for? What for? You think there really wasn't any sparks in between us? I still love you, Ji Hyo ah…I've been trying hard to forget you, writing that letter was too hard for me, thats why i asked your manager to help me…" Chang Jo screamed, getting frustrated that ji Hyo didn't realise.

"What? Unnie, you wrote that? You didn't tell me!" Ji Hyo was shocked.

"Ji Hyo…mianhe…CEO didn't want me to tell…" Her manager replied, her hands clasped together.

"Ah…dont blame your manager, Ji Hyo. It was my order…But, Ji Hyo, are you willing to be my girlfriend again?" Chang Jo looked into Ji Hyo's eyes in anticipation, waiting for her reaction.

"Chang Jo ah…Mianhe…but i have no more feelings for you…I have a new life out there…" Ji Hyo touchched Chang Jo's hair, patting it slowly as a tear slid down his cheeks

"IS IT BECAUSE OF THAT KANG GARY?"Chang Jo cried out, he had tears in his eyes.

"Don't drag him in! And its not because of him!We've already broken up!"Ji Hyo answered, tears streaming down from all the emotion.

"Yah! You better watch out! Yeah…I'm mad! If you don't be mine, your contract will be gone! And you can't see that Gary again! And don't tell me what you two are, by the looks of what you're wearing now, its obvious already," Chang Jo pushed Ji Hyo's hand away, bruising it slightly.

"Ah…ouch!But! What does my clothes got to do with this? But…Chang Jo! You also said to me that love cannot be forced!" Ji Hyo said as she rubbed her wrist, which looked blue-black with Chang Jo's impact.

Chang Jo looked a bit pained but he turned away, gripping hard on his fists, he walked coldly away to his car, muttering the last word,"And i will never leave you until the end."

Ji Hyo, upon hearing this, cried, she wanted her own freedom and privacy, not a crazy stalker whom was previously her boyfriend…

Her lotion and little make up she had on were all mixed with her wet tears, streaming down heavily like a thunderstorm just erupted. Her eyes were all red, her hands had no energy as Ji Hyo wrapped them around the pillar next to her to lie on. Her eyes dawned on Gary, who had stopped abruptly one block away from her house, holding two plastic bags as her CEO drove away without saying goodbye.
Kang Gary stood there senselessly as he notice Ji Hyo looking his way.

She looked totally different from what she was before he went to the supermarket. Totally exhausted.
Gary knew immediately that something had gone wrong and that he had to get there faster.

Gary sprinted as fast as he could towards Ji Hyo's house as the plastic bags holding by his hands were clinking. Ji Hyo had already gotten up from her previous position and went to the doors to wait for Gary to enter.

Without him saying anything, the gates swung open and Ji Hyo had her legs crossed at the doormat, looking at him with blank and sad eyes.

"Ji Hyo ah, what happened?" Gary said as he ran towards her, putting the bags of groceries a the floor as he embraced Ji Hyo.

"Gunie oppa…i'm scared…" Ji Hyo cried onto Gary's shoulder, making Gary remember the same scene that happened last time when they were young, with Sung Im crying by his shoulder and him, Gunie Oppa comforting her.

"Tell oppa what has happened, kwenchana…" Gary patted her back soothingly as Ji Hyo hugged him more tightly as she shivered in fear.

"Op-ppa…Chang Jo came to see me just now…an-nd…he says he still loves me and that he stalks me…Op-pa…ottoke?…And he says that if-f i don't become his girlfriend again, i'll get retrenched!…" Ji Hyo muttered into Gary's ear.

"Ji Hyo ah…kwenchana…calm down, oppa will think of a plan, okay?Now lets get into the house first…" Gary picked Ji Hyo up, pulling her on his back as he piggybacked her to Ji Hyo's couch.

Putting her down, he noticed Ji Hyo's bruised hand and wet marks on the sofa.

"Kwenchana? Is it painful? Do you need Oppa to get the first-aid box?" Gary asked in a worried tone, his eyebrows scrunched up.

"Haha…Oppa…kwenchana…And you are cute when you're worried…" Ji Hyo giggled, not noticing what she just said that levitated Gary's feelings.

"Jjinja? Then i should get worried more often…like this?" Gary scrunched his eyebrows again, making both of them laugh.

"Ah…Ji Hyo ah…Oppa should help you apply some medicine…" Gary stood up, which made his legs get tangled with Ji Hyo's silk dress.

"Ah! Oppa! Be careful! And gumawo oppa…" Ji Hyo's face flushed as her dress almost flew up, fortunately, her hands reacted right on time.

"Ah…mianhe…And Ji Hyo, why are you wearing sleepwear?" Gary blushed, just realising what Ji Hyo was wearing.

"Ah…oppa, don't ask. I'll change after you applied the meds, its painful…" Ji Hyo moaned, rubbing her wrist.

"Kudaeyo, wait for oppa, okay?" Gary rushed towards a cupboard which had specifically named as 'Medication'.

He took out a bottle of medicinal oil and ran back to Ji Hyo's side, opening the cap as fast as he could. He sprayed some oil on his palm and began rubbing it on Ji Hyo's wrist.

"Ah…Oppa, just right…very comfortable, oppa…" Ji Hyo commented as Gary continued massaging Ji Hyo's wrist.

"Okay?" Gary closed the cap and turned to ask Ji Hyo, who was blowing puffs of air at her wrist.

"Ah! Oppa! You put too much! Its too…HOT!" Ji Hyo rubbed her wrist flustered, as Gary fidgeted, don't know what to do.

"Ah…Oh! Oppa will get a wet handkerchief or something wet! Wait for me!" Gary shouted as he went to the sink at the kitchen.

Taking a pail, he filled it with water as he grabbed a handkerchief at the balcony, which lay Ji Hyo's clothes which were drying there.

"Here!" Gary said as he dashed to Ji Hyo's side and dapped her hand with the wet handkerchief, making Ji Hyo sigh.

"Ah…gumawo, oppa…" Ji Hyo mumbled as she let out a contented sigh.

"Okay, now?" Gary asked, putting the handkerchief back into the pail of water.

"Yeah…Op-" Ji Hyo nearly fell as she tried standing up as she didn't see Gary's leg there.

"Ah!" Gary and Ji Hyo both screamed as Ji Hyo collapsed on top of the red-faced Gary, the pail of water spilled on the ground and their eyes locked on one another's.
Hi! I'm back! And hope this chapter is long enough! And hope everyone liked the MC scenes…haha…lol Stay tuned for more tomorrow! I will most likely post at night everyday…or maybe not everyday though…heehee…

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

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