Saturday 28 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 30: Monday Couple Fanfiction

"I'm afraid her 'little' habit had acted again. I'm afraid she will have to stay in the hospital for the time being,"

"Oh jjinja? Hais…that silly girl…because of that namja-chingu of before…"

"Ah…dear, it's part of her growing up…"

"What growing up? She's already 34!"

Moon Sayeong's eyes flickered opened upon her father's last sentence.

Where was she? Oh yeah… the hospital, the one she had been to numerous times since she was 15.

She pulled her legs towards her chest, squirming her eyes shut again.

"I'm very sorry…I know it will be hard for the both of us, but i have to let go…mianhe…"

"But why? Because you want fame? I can give you fame by my father's company if you want! If you marry me, you'll be the boss of my father's company!"

"But Sayeong, my dream of fame is not economically, i love rapping and writing songs is my favourite hobby. You know its my dream since young…"

"But…Hee Gun! You can't leave me because of that, right?Hee Gun oppa…"

"Sayeong…you have to understand…the entertainment world, it's scary world…You, a daughter of a businessman whose name is a big name in our inflating money society in Korea, you should strive and hold your inherency with another economist's son, not me. Me, in your dad's company won't do good, i'm not interested in economics or business, Sayeong."

"Hee Gun oppa…Please, i beg you, don't break up with me…"

"I know its hard, but mianhe, Sayeong ah, i'm going to my pals' and my big competition tomorrow, and i'll work hard for it. To see me reach my goal will all in your decision. Sayeong ah, you have to learn to get over me…Me? I'm an aspiring guy and when i get serious, i wouldn't want anything to get in my way."

"Hee Gun oppa! Oppa! Oppa!"

Sayeong's mind set in the scene where her namja-chingu of before had ran away, with her chasing after him. But he was too fast, the speed Sayeong always admired, causing him to slip away from her fingers.

Sayeong sighed deeply, knowing she shouldn't think about this or her trip to the hospital will be a waste.

She had tried suiciding the day after, cutting her wrist and jumping down her school's pool.

He parents were absolutely horrified when they saw their only daughter's limp body in a bloody pool.

After hearing what her parents had said, she should learn to grow up like she should have, after these 19 years…

But she hadn't got over her Hee Gun oppa and deeply in her heart, she knew he hasn't too.
Baek Chang Jo was sifting through the pile of photographs he'd just received from his photographer.

He was absolutely horrified at how Kang Gary had fled to Ji Hyo's house so early in the morning and Ji Hyo had opened the door right after, embracing him.

He banged the table, making his secretary who was waiting by the door flinch.

"Yes?…" The CEO awkwardly asked, gesturing towards his secretary.

"You have a letter sir."

"Bring it over."

The female secretary silently shuffled over towards the table. Slightly glancing at the photos, she placed the letter in a brown envelope on the table.

"Who is it from?"

"Sung Im shi, sir."
Kang Gary had woke up astoundingly early that day, already changing into his outside clothes in the early 8 a.m.(KST time…).

His beloved yeoja-chingu had requested him to drive her to the Yesse shooting that morning and he had gladly agreed to do so.

Dressing in a plain denim jeans and a Lessang T-shirt with a leather jacket draped over, he topped his outfit off with a Ssang cap and went out of the doors.

Gil, his partner-in-rap was still sound asleep in bed, enjoying the cold weather of Fall.

Quickly getting into his black trailer, he turned on the engine and swiftly turned out of the driveway.

Getting excited about seeing Ji Hyo( and her manager), he blushed at the sudden kiss they had shared in the morning.

Suddenly, his phone rang in his 'stranger' ringtone; which was what he thought was the saddest song he ever sung, Tears, which was a bit inspired by Ji Hyo as her favourite song was Tears and thus the name.

Sneaking a peek at the numbers, he knew who it was straight away.

It was Moon Sayeong.
Hi everyone! Great to be back updating this blog^^

Have you'll seen the new header pic? Thats my doodle and hope you all had a great Xmas!!!

I know this chapter is short and theres a lot of suspense…mianhe…

But this chapter is what i say the official start of this fan fiction. The front parts are introduction to the main character's lives, yeah, thats also important story lines too. 

The part of the suicide scene is from Ji Hyo's earliest movies, i won't say the title, but most avid Ji Hyo fans should know right away:)) And it was a sad scene, yes…

btw, hope you all liked the new chapter!(I've been taking a break…holiday sickness=resting…lol)

Well, Cya at the next chapter^^

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

Monday 23 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 29: Monday Couple Fanfiction

When she opened the door, there was Kang Gary, in his pajamas and all, standing there with black panda eyes.

Without thinking, she went into him, embracing him tightly.

Tears slowly streamed down, sliming her namja-chingu's shirt.

Kang Gary slowly pulled her closer in their tight embrace, using his hands on her waist. He had an instinct to comfort her and patted her back soothingly.

"Op-ppa…op-pa…" Ji Hyo continued crying, calling Gary in thankfulness of his doing.

"Ah…kwenchana…Tell oppa what has happened, okay?" Gary tugged Ji HYo's head into his chest, which smelled of the lemon grass essence he slept in.

They stayed in the pose for about five minutes, both of them enjoying the moment.

Ji Hyo finally pulled apart from their intimate state.

"Now, tell oppa, what happened?"

Ji Hyo rubbed her eyes a little, then pointed at the brown envelope.


Ji Hyo nodded. 

Gary walked over to the table, with Ji Hyo tagging behind him.

Gary eyes got even bigger when he saw the photographs spread on the table.

"What the-!? I want to **** that jerk-&*%$# now!-" 

If not for Ji Hyo pushing her hand on his mouth, he probably spouted a handful of bad words at the top of his lungs now.

"I know…but please take note of the time…" Ji Hyo giggled at her namja-chingu's angry exclaim.

"Huh?…Oh…mianhe…" Gary scratched his head, then his face suddenly turned bright red.

"What?! Why's your face so red?" Ji Hyo chortled, pointing at his face, which is now totally red.

Gary's eyes fell on her. Ji Hyo looked at herself, then turned red herself too.


Not that she wore too inappropriately, but there's the fact that she's wearing a nightdress and she didn't wear a ***.

"Ah…Oppa…close your eyes, i'll go change…" Ji Hyo stuttered.

"Ah…kwenchana…just let me say my plan, it's very fast, and i won't…um…"Gary turned red again.

She blushed, though chuckling a little at Gary's reaction. She covered her arms around her chest area as she took a seat next to him on the table.

Baek Chang Jo was happily drinking Soju at his bedside table.

I bet Ji Hyo will be scared to bits now…haha…You'll be mine soon!

He guffawed a mean "HA HA HA" out, getting tipsy with the liquor, he slumped down on his bed, throwing the pillow across the room, causing a big sound on the impact.

"And you! Kang Gary! Will die in my hands for stealing my girl! Watch the wrath of me!" Then, he collapsed back into bed in a fit of giggles.

Closing his eyes, he finally fell asleep.

Sir Wrath, who was now in deep sleep, didn't notice a beep that came with an incoming message.

[NONAME:New photos]
Moon Sayeong was walking down the street in Jamsil.

She breathed in and out in a rapid rate. Anyone who didn't know the reason behind why she did that may have thought she had asthma. But, of course not.

I have to breathe in more air that my Hee Gun had lived at. Breathe!

She continued for a few more minutes, then she finally gasped.

"Ah…why is it so hard to do this without making my lungs bursting?" Sayeong became angry and it activated a little of her maniacal side of her again, throwing her empty plastic cup of coffee on the floor in rage.

The passer-bys all turned to look at her, making her get all shaky inside, then she collapsed on the floor, unconscious.
After telling the plan, Ji Hyo felt a soft vibration around her dress.

She felt a little embarrassed in it and hugged her chest tightly.

Gary, who had noticed her movement, shrugged

"Ji Hyo ah…why are you like that? It's not really embarrassing in front of your namja-chingu right?"

Oh hell…yes! It's super embarrassing!

Ji Hyo's face brightened, then turned away and stormed up the stairs.

She got into her bathroom, slammed the door and took off her dress.

Taking one of her spare ***s, she wore them and the dress again. She then quickly walked out of the room, where Gary stood outside, grinning.

"Haha…i'm just kidding…otherwise, what do you think i'm meaning to say?…Mianhe…" Gary smiled then made his signature wanting to cry face.

Unable to resist his cute face, she rubbed it, then grinned, pushing him to lead them both down the stairs again.

Oh yeah…i thought you meant something alright…and don't ever do it again…

Ji Hyo smiled, then suddenly jumped on top of Gary, making him piggyback her.


"Haha…that's your punishment!"

They smiled and laughed, then Ji Hyo made an abrupt move of punching his shoulders in her load of smiles and giggles.

"Ouch!Ouch!Ouch!" Gary faked a little scene like Kim Tan, but made him loose balance and…

They just had to fall from the final step of the flight of stairs.

Gary landed on the floor first, Ji Hyo on top of him.

In the embarrassing scene of before, it was even more awkward.

Both of their faces red, Gary turned his head around, his legs also doing the same action, only Ji Hyo wasn't anticipating his action and their lips interlocked.
A reminder: all my works are purely fictional and any coincidence whatsoever is a coincidence. Not to hurt some artistes too…

Hi! Welcome back to my fanfic's world! Hope u have refreshed your memory of my fanfic…yeah, it's long…

And Happy Christmas to all of you!Tomorrow's Christmas eve! Anyone of you excited? I sure is!!!! 

Well, a little note that i won't be writing tmw, unless i have free time…haha…(I'll try…)

And a pre Happy Xmas to all! Surprise edits and so will be out on the chapter published on the 25th of Dec!!!

-sjhdanielle(Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

P.S. I love my new school:)) Though, i don't really like the uniform…haha…but its okay^^ Hope all P6s also like their new schools!!!^^

Friday 20 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 28: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Kang Gary lay in bed, the second consecutive night looking at the stars.

He felt guilty and the feeling crept in his heart, making it painful. He looked down at himself. He was really, severely, genuinely, purely guilty of what he had done.

How could he just abandon Ji Hyo when he knew she was feeling down? What if she had trouble?

He could not take it. He couldn't even sleep thinking about it.

Kang Gary picked up his phone, looking at the home screen. Staring at the most innocent eyes in the world, he tapped on the message app.

To Wifey<3:

How are you? 

He didn't know how to continue. How are you seems like an old fashioned email or letter starting for a long-time-no-meet friend. Which his yeoja-chingu totally isn't.

But he really don't have anything to write or ask her, his head was blank and thought 'How Are You' this three words implied what he wanted to say.

So, although hesitating, he pressed the send button, remembering to add:

From ur KT
Ji Hyo felt disappointed in Kang Gary.

How could he just ask 'How Are You?"?!

Now it made her feel like she's a long-time-no-meet friend of his that he can't get along with.

The 'From ur KT' is still cute, but the little touch of apology and how much she loves him, she knew Kim Tan would do much better to just ask 'How are you' and would drag her to spend together for a night at a studio somewhat or wait at her door.

She sighed, it was an emotional day and she couldn't drag all her feelings to him just because of that.

She drag her covers over her, covering her head.

She tried to mask her tears, but they were unmistakingly heard by a certain someone at her door, peering at her with a brown envelope in her hands.
Kang Gary was waiting impatiently for a reply.

But none came and he kept refreshing the page.

No matter what he did, messaging her another a message;

To Wifey<3:

? Are you okay? 

-Ur KT

Still no reply.

His heart was super anxious, beating in rapid speeds, cold sweat pouring down profusely.

He couldn't resist it anymore.

Walking past Gil's room, he ran out of the front door in only a varsity jacket and he's pajamas, which thankfully today wasn't King's clothes.

He started his car, hearing the engines stirring, he drove at top-notch speeds to Ji Hyo's house.
Song Ji Hyo felt stuffy and choked in a middle of a deep sleep.

It wasn't normal for her and she looked around puzzledly.

It was approximately 2 in the morning(FYI, KST time…) and everywhere was pitch black.

She felt her way to the kitchen in the familiar house. She needed a glass of milk, like those boiled to the right heat ones her mom always made her when she woke up in the middle of the night when she was young.

She missed her mother thinking about it. True, she's scared of her, but only in times when she knew she will be in trouble and her mother doesn't scold her or anything. But, she was a really outgoing girl and was one of Ji Hyo's best friends. They were like a bunch of long-time buddies when having bonding times together.

That checked into the list of things she wanted to do;

See mom:))

Her mental image of her mother, who was definitely growing of age made her beam and she liked the feeling of the comforting hugs of hers again.

"Ah…omma…bogoshipal…"Ji Hyo sat down on a side chair beside the table, her head leaning on the table as she thought the wonderful moments with her family.

She began crying again. She missed her family members so much.

That was when she noticed a brown envelope and a letter beside it on the table.

"Eh…isn't that the CEO's letter?" Ji hyo quickly grasped it, along with the letter.

What's this?

JI Hyo began reading the letter, which she recognised from the handwriting was her manager.

Sung Im,

Remember that you unnie's always there for you.

Whatever problems, you can confide to me.

I'll always support you.

If the incident with the CEO damaged our feelings, i'm very sorry…

I apologise, please forgive me.

Unnie will be going home first. I'll meet you at 8.30 tomorrow morning for the Yesse photoshoot, kudae?

-Your Manager Unnie

Song Ji Hyo looked at the letter tearfully. She didn't blame her unnie for anything that had happened today. The cause was three people, Baek Chang Jo, Baek Chang Jo and Baek Chang Jo!

She felt like ending her relationship with that jerk once and for all even the 'friend-ship' too. Not to be rude, but his stalker business was really annoying.

That was when another thought went into her head.

What if unnie saw the contents?

JI Hyo dig open the brown envelope and all that spilled out was photos of her and-

HER and HER only? She was panic stricken. 

Her ex-boyfriend's stalking is no joke, it sent shivers down her spine. No one could stalk her like that. She knew he sent a photographer to spy on her. And oh…thank goodness, there wasn't any pictures of Gary. But what sent another set of shudder on her spine was the place where the photographer had taken the photo.

It was at her house! And she knew the expression, she looked tired and she wearing…That was the night Gary was at her house!

She felt so scared now, through her body were sudden goose pimples popping up.

That was when the door bell rang.

She hope it wasn't that CEO, all she needed was either her manager(Who either came back for something) or Kang Gary.

She was willing to forgive him for a hug.

She was right.

When she opened the door, there was Kang Gary, in his pajamas and all, standing there with black panda eyes.

Without thinking, she went into him, embracing him tightly.
Heya ppl! Hope u enjoyed this chapter! I know i publish new chapters when ppl are asleep…lol but i guess thats my working schedule: about 8.30-10+

I really appreciate the comments and feel free to give me tips and suggestions as i dont do plans and any additional ideas may be added into my fanfic^^I'll credit you too:))

Anyway, Cya! Hope u have an enjoyable time reading!

-sjhdanielle(Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

This is my christmas doodle for my profile pic:))
hope u all like it:)) and this is my 12 days of Xmas, 12 Gwangsoos drumming(sorry that i'm not so active at this segment…)
Hope u all have a merry christmas and Happy New Year!!!^^(Tis is the year that passes so quickly…TT)

Thursday 19 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 27: Monday Couple Fanfiction

"Your CEO wanted to give you and um…Kang Gary-shi this. And he wanted to tell you something…He said that, your namja-chingu wants you to decide if you want to end Monday Couple or he won't give up."

The PD stared confused pupils into Ji Hyo's s bit shocked face.

Ji Hyo didn't reply and her face became kong like ever before, but the PD knew she was putting her acting into use and is definitely hiding something.

"Is something wrong? I admit i'm really confused what your CEO is saying, but do confide if you have something wrong if it concerns the show," The PD asked her worriedly.


Ji Hyo didn't reply.

For a good few minutes that were nearing to five.

That made the PD uneasy, but he didn't ask again as a thought make him know that this matter may be personal. 

So, he said;

"Ah, mianhe Ji Hyo-shi, if you aren't comfortable talking about it, kwenchana, you can go, your CEO just wanted me to give you this," He planted the rather thick envelope into Ji Hyo's hands.

She cringed as her hands had the envelope. Contemplating the envelope, she settled it at the back of her clothing as her bag was with her manager and she had no intentions of giving it to her.

"If you excuse me, i will go know," Ji Hyo took the 'only had to' tip to dismiss herself and starting getting up.

But, her legs were unusually shaky and she almost fell down to her seat. She awkwardly stood up when PDnim attempted to help her.

She hurriedly walked away, not before bowing in respect to the PD who bowed back.

"There's definitely something wrong," The PD shrugged, noticing the funny tinge of atmosphere around them after the meeting.
As she went back to her trailer, she saw her manager there looking wide eyed at her.

"Aren't you supposed to be at your filming?"  

"What filming? We finished filming already."

"Hais…Your Fan meet promotional video, Bapo…" Her manager pushed her out of the trailer and started bringing her to the set again.

"Bu-ut, i need to-um..pu-ut something…" Ji Hyo stuttered, and her manager looked rather befuddled.

"Is something wrong?"

"Uh…nothing, unnie. Can you excuse me?" Ji Hyo asked.

She ran hurriedly towards the set, too skittish to go with the idea of putting the 'Taboo' thing inside her bag so that it won't distract her while filming the promotion.

But, she was panicked to notice that the very confidential envelope slipped down, plopping right on the floor of the carpark, where her manager had seen with eagle eyes.

Ji Hyo, whom had run further away, didn't note that her unnie had taken the envelope and was opening it.
Feeling tense, she kept putting her hand at her back, scared that the envelope would drop.

Out of her apprehensiveness, Ji Hyo was in blank mode again. Not heeding her namja-chingu concerned stare.

She apologised for her being late and started taking in notes she needed for filming.

They immediately film after that, as Ji Hyo wanted to quickly end it so that she could confide the new problem to Gary, but should she? She was bewildered and didn't know whether she should let the cat out of the bag or not.

But, she concentrated on her filming and they ended rather quickly, quoted by Ha Ha.
They bid goodbyes and headed to the carpark. 

Ha Ha and Jong Kook were going home together, Jong Kook driving his dongsaeng home. And Suk Jin's car was parked at the front, so leaving the Monday Couple alone.

Ji Hyo was walking in front and Gary was tailing behind her.

Ji Hyo was hesitating on whether to tell him or not, so it ended them both in an awkward silence.

Should i tell him?…Should I?

Anniyo…You shouldn't tell him, he will get worried.

You should! Or else he would accuse of not telling him earlier like in the dramas you watch every time…

Anniyo! Don't listen to her!

Anniyo! Don't listen to her, rather!

Song Ji Hyo wanted her voices in her head to shut up, whispering a quick curse and small warning.

It shut both of them up.

But, she was still utterly confused. She felt like telling him, but..

Wait! Where did the envelope go to? She felt her hands which were in her pockets search around, no…

The envelope was lost! 

She felt a perturbing feeling rise up to her senses. Cold sweat crept down her cheeks. She wanted to cry and indulge into Gary's comforting chest right now, but right at that moment,

"Ah…Ji Hyo, anyeongheemisoyo(Good night), i'll see you tomorrow, okay?Sweet dreams, dream of me."

She realised it was Gary's voice and she watched him walk away with his last smile.

That was when all her emotion crept in.

She felt her eyes getting hot with tears and a hot tear slide down.

She couldn't constrain the emotional feeling inside her and she collapsed onto the carpark, squating, tears spilling out of her eyes like it was natural for her.

She laughed a little, this was so easy now than in her filming of dramas. Then went back to crying. She was getting maniacal alright, laughing and crying at the same time. But she was severely distraught deep in her heart and she knew it. 

She couldn't withstand the feeling of the sudden ex-namja-chingu bomb and now namja-chingu bomb. It was so unfair for her. She kept crying non-stop until she knew her manager will her suspicious if all that was left in the carpark was her trailer and she'll go look for her. She didn't want to worry her unnie, so she got up, wiping tears of with her arms.

Gasping for air, she strolled silently back to her trailer, not knowing another projectile was about to be thrown into her face from her most beloved sister-like person.
Hope you all liked this chapter! i know its short…yeah..mianhe…

But i wanted to write on Ji Hyo's POV after Gary's yesterday, so you will understand how each of them were feeling

Was this chapter okay? I would say i wasn't that much distracted…haha..yes…but a title from my google+ account where i posted songs i like…and i played them while writing. 

Well, anyway, hope you all will enjoy the chapter! And feel free to join this blog if u have a twitter, google, Facebook or yahoo account^^ It gives u first hand notifications on my updates and google+ stuff:)) You can also add me to ur circles with the same benefit^^

Well, like what Gary says, Anyeongheemisoyo and sweet dreams(leave out the dream of me part…lol)!

-sjhdanielle(Song Ji Hyo)

Anyone who didn't see my Xmas edit can go to the previous chapter to see it^^

Here are some on RM
Ji Hyo's Xmas card^^

Cute Yoohyuk Elf^^
And anyone anticipating the RM ep Nightmare before Christmas? I am! I love horrors though i can't sleep after…lol
Hope Kang Gary's okay… and if Ji Hyo saves him?(exclamation point!) That will be like a sign that they r like born to be with…

Yeah… I'm biased?…lol

Anyway, hope u all enjoy today and Happy XMAS!^^
(heard that i have 68 views from South Korea^^ Hope one may be rm or staff…lol…me and my dreams but, keeping my fingers crossed!)

Anyway, Cya next time at either Google+, Twitter, Line or the next post or chapter!!^^


Wednesday 18 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 26: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Just when both their hearts were in the fluttery edge, someone just had to spoil the moment.

The PD said,

"Song Ji Hyo-shi, may i see you? Your boss just called."

What? Boss?

The Monday Couple thought straight after, as if they were telepathics.

Their eyes got bigger, and Ji Hyo's mouth widened.

Kang Gary quickly calmed her down by patting Ji Hyo and pushing her over to the PD.

"I'll see you later, Ji Hyo," Gary said as he pulled away worriedly, walking out of the set with the other members.

"Ah…Anyeong," Ji Hyo gulped, looking back at the PD, she bit her lower lip.

"Come over here," The PD gestured to the couple of folding chairs so that they could sit.

I guess it must be a long chat…

Ji Hyo thought, choking a little at the thought.

Otherwise would i need to sit? 

"Are you okay? Do you need a glass of water?"


Both of them sat down, the PD taking out a brown letter from his pocket.

"What is that?" Ji Hyo scrunched her face a little, her worried eyes set on the letter.

"Your CEO wanted to give you and um…Kang Gary-shi this. And he wanted to tell you something…
Kang Gary was reluctant to walk away from his yeoja-chingu after hearing who had called.

But, the PD had only asked for Ji Hyo, and he going there will create a teasing scandal from his cast members. Not that he minded, but he knew that woman liked their image.

After walking away from Ji Hyo, he tugged along with the rest of the members, whom seemed oblivious to what had happened to Ji Hyo. All they did was teased Gary a little and planning on where to go afterwards.

That was when the second-in-charge PD walked towards them.

"May i see Ha Ha-shi, Kang Gary-shi, Kim Jong Kook-shi, Ji Suk Jin-shi and Song Ji Hyo-shi?"

Kang Gary immediately knew it was for the fan meeting at Singapore which they had to film a short commentary video. But, Song Ji Hyo wasn't here, so he immediately spoke up,

"Song Ji Hyo is with the PD."

"Okay, gumawo, Kang Gary-shi."

As they walked towards the set again, his Jong Kook hyung bumped his shoulder at Gary's and cheekily asked him, "How did you know Ji Hyo is with the PD?"

"Huh?…i was…um…wi-ith her."

Jong Kook chuckled, as if it was the answer he wanted, he backed away to the other members.

They continued walking to the set in silence, when they finally reached it, Kang Gary was pushed by the other members in first, giggles and guffaws behind him knew that Jong Koom had spilled the beans, making Gary cuddle up in embarrassment, blodd rushing to his cheeks.

"Now, since Song Ji Hyo-shi is not here yet, i shall go brought the drills again like what we have down for the other two fan meets."

The other members nodded in agreement.

"Remember to read the words on the placards behind the cameras clearly. No mistakes are allowed in this video unlike on Running Man, you can save those for the fan meet. And, make sure you express  your feelings obviously, don't speak like a robot."



All the members understood, as they've gone through this twice.

Gary was a bit worried about Ji Hyo though, as it is her first time.

Just when Gary's head was full of Song Ji Hyo, the backdoor they had came in from opened, revealing a rather depressed Ji Hyo walking in.

She seemed zoned-out ever again, her left hand seemed to be hiding something behind her back. He noticed that too, but decided to ask her later.

The PD went over the tips again to Ji Hyo and they started planning how to set the filming.

Ha Ha had lots of ideas. Although Ji Hyo was here, she was blank and it gave no help. But it gave an idea to Gary, who was looking at her almost all the time.

"How about we start with just the four of us like the previous time, then we announce Ji Hyo and she pops out from behind," Gary suggested and the other members nodded and smiled in unity to proclaim it was a great idea.

That's when they proceeded to the filming.

They took three takes to finish it without any errors of such and Gary's idea was a hit. Ji Hyo came out like a blooming idea and Gary tried not to take second glances back at her as they continued.
Kang Gary was walked silently behind Ji Hyo as they headed back to their cars after filming.

He knew Ji Hyo was hiding something and she didn't want to tell him.

He was a bit disheartened that Ji Hyo didn't trust him enough to tell him, but he loved her too much to disturb now and it all end up in a fight like in the dramas or book, them going farther and farther away from one another.

But Gary didn't like the idea of backing off too, it felt like a cold shoulder he wanted to avoid and following her now seemed like stalking.

So, even though he didn't want to do it, he said a little good night and goodbye to Ji Hyo and headed towards his trailer, which his manager was in.

Without knowing a lonesome and melancholic girl was looking at his back, a sole tear crept down her cheek.
Heyo ppl! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, although i knew this isn't the best one…TT(mianhe…)

Hope you anticipate for more! I'm not sure how long this series may be and i was thinking of ending this with a m*******, and like those books, i'll have special stories! Than i will continue with RB2!^^
Hope u all will anticipate, but all you should know, i have no story lines or plans what so ever…^^All in my creativity of that day for a new chapter><

Well, good night(I know its late) and have a great session reading! Its a great chance to reread as i, myself, may have lost my details too…haha…

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

P.S. I will post pictures and videos next time…but here is something on my Twitter background i wanted to share^^ Have a beautiful Xmas all!!!

My Videos on Running Man so far:))

Here are some videos that I've taken are also found on Youtube! Please support!^^

The One At The Fansign in SG(Self took video:))
Two Videos Of The MAMA 2013 Event
The one on Red carpet:

The one where they announce the winner of an award which went to G-Dragon:

Thats all! Hope u all enjoy the videos and don't mind to check out my latest page for The Heirs fans to watch Heirs eps!!!^^

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 25: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Chun Sung Im's heart was pumping in inhuman speed. She is really nervous, and she really wanted to burst into the bathroom to check on him. She kept resisting. She can't do that! Its Namja toilet!

Cold sweat was dripping down her cheek, and Kang Gary was still no where in sight.

She finally stood up, and rushed towards the bathroom.

In the other members and guests shock.

She didn't care the sounds made from the other members and guest's mouths, she only thought of the dangers her namja-chingu may be in if she didn't went in to get him.

As she stepped a foot(A size of her feet) next to the bathroom door to open it, another person was near the other side of the door, putting the tissues that he had used into the dustbin.
Kang Hee Gun was having a nosebleed!

He's old habit had came back again, to his annoyance.

Quickly rolling toilet paper out to cover his nose, he tilted his head out. He was feeling really embarrassed, his little accident was found out by Song Ji Hyo, or his angelic Imie that he had loved all his life.

Without much thought but to get of the toilet first so that his yeoja-chingu will not be worried, but his anxiousness made his attempt of getting this whole mess fixed faster even worse.

It made more blood come down his nose and he had to get more tissue.

By the time his nose's blood dripping session stopped, it must have been a fifteen-minute session. He quickly dumped all the used (mess?) tissues into the bin, turning towards the door to open it.

Her right feet next to the door.

His right feet's tip touching the wooden panelled door.
Right before both of them crashed onto the floor, Kang Gary and Song Ji Hyo felt an instinct to restrain backwards.

They had no idea, but before they could think about that, she crashed through the door and both emerged in shocked faces.

*By an adult's weight, even a super thin supermodel, the impact in the crash, no one can withstand it and not fall down*

*P.S.**Just FYI…not to insult Ji Hyo what so ever…lol..*

Both of their faces flushed when they hit the ground, eyes into eyes.

The door slammed shut just when they are still staring at each other. The impact of the sound making both of them flinch.

Kang Gary continued looking into her beautiful eyes, a smug face coming on his face together with a pout on Song Ji Hyo's face.

They pulled in for a quick one(you all can let loose your imagination for what 'quick one' means…*.*haha).

Then, pulled away, as they didn't want the other members to be suspicious, so they went out one by one.

Song Ji Hyo first, as she's a yeoja and yeojas' not supposed to be in namja's bathrooms, although her head, was really embarrassed to do so.

Song Ji Hyo turned to Blank ji hyo as she blocked out the other members remarks and fast-walked to the table Kang Gary and she had been sitting together before.

She tried not to peek back at Gary who was heading towards her too.

He was getting pats on his back, whispers and teasing from the members and guests.

He kinda looked back shyly at Ji Hyo and she could tell he was blushing.

Ji Hyo chortled and coughed to fake the smile.

Kang Gary sat down opposite to her, scratching his head, his other personal habit, red specks across his cheek.
After the 'little incidental lunch', the members headed for the third mission.

Which, made Ji Hyo's heart warm a little.

She was happy that Gary hadn't ordered much for her during lunch break as she had to eat again.

When she was asked what she wanted to eat, a thought or memory went into her mind.

Seafood Soup.

And she immediately wrote it down, grinning a lot, not missing another short look at Gary to give him a hint.

You should know.
Unfortunately, her Gunie Oppa didn't seem to understand what she meant.

Finally when G-Dragon's(or what meant KG's) team got a chance for a hint, Ji Hyo whispered,

"Red, "

But she used her eyes to tell Gary, 'again!'

And Gary took the card for a Monday Couple to stab Baek Chang Jo on the back.

"You don't have to say Saranghaeyo like this, right?" Gary said, grinning like an idiot.

Song Ji Hyo still laughed, even though she knew what was going to happen. That again proves that she is not fit for romantic-comedies.

That gave her chance for her second(secret) hint.

"Last lunch."

That took Gary's heart a leap. He knew Ji Hyo gave him a great hint, and quickly rushed off with his teammates to find that particular 'red' food that he had in mind and he knew he had nailed the answer with his awesome Yeoja-chingu's hint.
After filming, Kang Gary went to Song Ji Hyo who was putting a little mist on her face to cleanse her face.

"You hadn't did much and you need this?" Gary joked.

"Haha…Well, i helped you win and you know it!" Ji Hyo punched his chest a little.

Just when both their hearts were in the fluttery edge, someone just had to spoil the moment.

The PD said,

"Song Ji Hyo-shi, may i see you? Your boss just called."
Heyo ppl! Hope u liked this chapter! I admit i listened to lots of songs so i took a little too much time to write this chapter…lol

Here are the songs, if u want! And a picture of a RM member's Xmas:)) And hope u had saw my new page for all The Heirs fans to enjoy! Heres the link for all who haven't saw it yet!:)) Hope u will like this!!

Enjoy this christmas ppl!

-sjhdanielle(Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

This is not the one i hoped for, but just search for Frozen OST and look for playlists
You can also search for Korean Christmas Songs(Theres a playlist full of them^^

Merry Xmas! From KwangHyo couple^^

From MC, Happy Christmas!

Hope u all enjoyed!^^
All i want for christmas is u!-Mariah Carey
This version for bieber haters….haha
This is for music lovers and bieber lovers(Im not insulting, but I'm not one of them)…

Last Christmas is a great one too!
By Wham!

Stay tuned for more Christmas hits!-haha…like Radio MC…
Signing off and good night!

Monday 16 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 24: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Oh My God.

What did Kang Gary just do?

Song Ji Hyo stood there, unable to talk as Gary continued dancing to her left! as if nothing has happened.

The others? They were practically like stunned bazookas, eyes and mouth almost the size a volleyball. Even Jaesuk and G-Dragon in Gary's team were shocked, though having a little victory tour dance in their minds.

Song Ji Hyo smiled, as bright as the sun. Not only because of the plan her Namja-Chingu had planned out for her, but also because of her own feelings, the feeling of in happiness and in a clown's paradise. She just couldn't stop smiling, as if her mouth sides were stuck on with super glue, even twitching them felt like moving concrete.

She giggled more when Kwang Soo zoomed in after seeing the scene, even Seungri! Her cheeks burned with blush, and her smile still held there, and her heart confirmed on why she couldn't film Romantic Comedy genred dramas.

And it was definitely obvious who the winner was when she was asked who the best team was.

All she thought was he beloved Namja-chingu and she shouted,"Kang Gary!"

This led to cheering of his team and the others moaning as the heat of last time's experience in that hot and uncomfortable car went into their mind.
Song Ji Hyo almost gasped out loud when she saw the second destination.

It was a mud battle! Her heart went out to her members and guests, especially Kang Gary. But there was nothing she could do, except to pray deeply that they won't injure themselves.

She grinned as Gary opened the door for her. She sparkled her aegyo eyes towards him as a mental thank you and good luck with her 'eye Saranghaeyo'. Gary felt shy a little, but he didn't show it and turned back a little to hide his smile.

That was when G-Dragon took Jaesuk's and his cap to shelter Ji Hyo from the blazing sun. That move made Ji Hyo laugh and Gary ashamed that he hadn't thought of it. He quickly held his cap out to shelter her, but she had already walked away.
Song Ji Hyo tried not to look pained as she saw them start on the race.

But, she mostly focused on Gary(even if she didn't want to…). She thought she was crazy when she thought Gary looked handsome even in his state of 'totally-covered-by-mud-and-his-face-is-scrunched-up-in-annoyance-of-mud-on-skin'. Yup, she is crazy, and she feels like Gary had sparkling flowers beside him too.

And boy, G-Dragon's team looked such poor-things.

Ji Hyo almost restrained to dash up towards them as they started swimming in mud, which cracked her up too.

And Kwang Soo was such a sympath-ier. Watching him get bullied to dive into the mud as a 'sacrifice' took up her Unnie spirit in her, and she wanted to yell at Kim Jong Kook and tell him to stop, but she thought it would ruin the effect of it being a variety show.

She felt like helping the weakest team in the three. They were the last to take the flags, and adding the biggest hyung into the list, Ji Hyo was scared that he will get a sprained back. And Seungri, he's a Hallyu star! Well, but that point she didn't mind as she was probably spoiling her image of a actress in this variety show. Ji Hyo laughed on that thought.

Even if she didn't want it to turn out this way, as she admit she was biased towards Gary, Daesung's team won. In another hand, due to Ji Hyo's greed to win this whole episode again, she put in the wrong hints so that she could get the best cards (in avenge of her Namja-chingu's team not winning too).
But Song Ji Hyo's helpful-ness won hands down.

Seeing the members have done their best and had sacrificed their bodies(?)(quoted from the episode), she gave in to them, shaking her head to show them the right card, which was the best.

After the card giving session, it was almost afternoon, so they decided to head nearby for lunch. It was the next location they were going and stopped by the restaurants to eat.

"Ji Hyo ah, what do you want to eat? Oppa will treat you," Gary elbowed Ji Hyo as they started walking together at the back with the others to the Korean-Chinese style restaurant.

Ji Hyo was suddenly reminded of the same moment, a couple of filmings ago. Kang Gary had took her for lunch too.

"Ah, oppa Gumawo! You choose this time oppa, last time i chose, right?" Ji Hyo smiled, looking into his eyes.

"Oh, kudaeyo. I'll order for you, okay?" Gary grinned, stroking her hand a little, but not holding her hand as they still wasn't a publicised couple.

"Okay, oppa!"
After ordering the food, Gary had a slight runny nose.

His nose kept twitching as his nose was really runny and he tried to suck back the wage running like a tap.

But he felt it was weird and Ji Hyo started staring at his nose.

"Oppa, why does your nose have red marks there?" Ji Hyo pointed, as her eyes shone with curiosity.

"Ah, Jjinja? Excuse me," Gary stood up and started towards the bathroom.
Song Ji Hyo was waiting impatiently at the table where only Gary and she sat at.

No doubt the other members were teasing them just now. Are they a couple? FYI, yes. Lunch dates in a row…what's with them this year?  I Have no idea and i don't think that's your business… Ji Hyo and Gary sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!Oh goodness, shut up! You're not elementary kids!

Not that she wanted to be rude to her elders, but she was a bit worried of Gary.

Did he have nosebleed? What if its bad or severe? What if he fainted because of too much loss of blood?

Chun Sung Im's heart was pumping in inhuman speed. She is really nervous, and she really wanted to burst into the bathroom to check on him. She kept resisting. She can't do that! Its Namja toilet!

Cold sweat was dripping down her cheek, and Kang Gary was still no where in sight.

She finally stood up, and rushed towards the bathroom.

In the other members and guests shock.
Hope y'all liked this chapter! I know i'm really inactive in updating these days and i hope u will understand..

And Gumawo for my 600 followers! (Otherwise this chapter wouldn't be here…lol)

Anyeongheemisoyo to all! Hope u have a good rest after reading this as i posted this kinda late..haha…

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

P.S. Some pics:
9 more days until Santas comes into our Home Sweet Home!

Saturday 14 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 23: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Kang Gary ran as fast as he could to the end of destination.

Lots of 'mission PDs' wearing yellow tracksuits were stationed at various locations to lead the male members of Running Man to their designated destination.

Kang Gary finally saw a big yellow sign up front:

'This way'

It was pointed towards left side where an entrance to a little villa was seen.

"Ah! Finally!" Gary sighed in relief as he quickened his steps.

He still didn't know that Ji Hyo would not be here and had run a few yards in a speed of light, almost making his lungs explode.

I wonder if anyone's here already…Ji Hyo?

"Ah…Finally someone's here…This way please, Kang Gary," The second-in-charge PD led Gary into the bathroom of the villa to get himself changed.

"Huh? Need to change straight away?" Gary asked.

"Kudae…Here's your clothes, please change quickly,"The PD brought over a straightly ironed tuxedo towards Gary and pushed him into a cubicle.

"Oh…"Gary went blank as he took the tuxedo.

Why was he supposed to wear such a formal attire to film? Was it a special celebration? Or formal guests like the Prime Minister is coming? He had no clue and quickly proceeded to changing.
"Ah, Gary! You're here already? Woah…why are you wearing that? Haha…is it a wedding?" Yoo Jae Suk was standing outside, waiting as the PD wanted the members to change one by one.

"Ah, hyung! Anyeonghaseyo! I don't know hyung…" Gary formally greeted his hyung politely before answering the question.

"Haha…See you later, Gary. I shall go and change," Jae Suk's eyes twinkled and he grinned at Gary as he walked into the bathroom.

"Ah, yes, hyung," Gary bowed again and strolled to the PD for the next set of instructions.

"Gary-shi~Can you sit by the bench there and wait for the rest of the members to come before going back to the set? Your coordinators will brush you up there after your 'morning jog'," The PD instructed Gary and Gary went to sit by one of the wooden benches by the beautiful bush sculptures that hung around the villa.

"Ah, and PD-nim, is Ji Hyo here yet?" Gary turned to the PD once he settled down on the bench.

"Ah, Molahyo, but i assume she's not here yet. Why?" The PD asked, his eyebrows lifted in curiosity.

"Ah…kwenchana…nothing, PD-nim," Gary stared back at his feet as a crisp breeze blew by, making him sigh i contentment.
Once all the male members were here and changed, the PD instructed them to go back to the set, but try not to sweat much…

But the ever competitive Kwang Soo who wanted to beat Sparta-kook decided to bring his long legs to use. He sprinted as fast as he could to the set and yelled,"I Beat you! Jong Kook Hyung!" as he ran there.

The rest of the namjas laughed and smiled as they saw how Kwang Soo had acted, their ever polite and cute dongsaeng of their RM Family.

As the secong-in-charge PD had said, their coordinators were already by a tent waiting to polish them up. Kwang Soo's coordinator almost looked as horrified as her scream as she saw the state Kwang Soo was in, sweat already pouring down his back. She quickly took a towel and put it behind his back to soak the sweat up as she touched up his makeup.

Gary's coordinator put a little blush on him after applying a layer of BB cream.

Once all the members were ready, the PD started to film, but Kang Gary had a question in mind,

Where is Song Ji Hyo?
And there she was, behind the set, inside a pumpkin carriage like those in her favourite Princess stories.

Song Ji Hyo was tempted to ride on the horses that she had not seen for quite a time. She only could stroke them, to her disappointment, but her manager and coordinator promised her a photo with the horses and pumpkin carriage.

She was really excited after seeing herself in the mirror and wanted to see the members, especially Kang Gary's reaction to her wardrobe today. It must be a special episode today, for her, otherwise she wouldn't be dressed and the set to be done like a princess's to the toe.

She had pestered the PD numerous times to ask why she was here and the male members were not here. But the PD only shrugged her off, though grinning like a affectionate uncle of hers.

"Right, Ji Hyo-shi, may you get ready for the intro, we are starting to film," the FD Dong Wan told her as he grabbed the lassos, ready to lead the horses to a grand entrance.

"Okay," Ji Hyo replied, checking herself one last time, with a thumbs-up from her manager, the carriage started moving and towards the red carpet they went.
The male members were stunned as they saw a pumpkin carriage rolling in, with real horses in front.
And Ji Hyo was looking as beautiful as ever inside the carriage.

Kang Gary went blank as he saw his yeoja-chingu come in, in her beautiful dress and all.

"Yah, Gary! Go get her!"

Gary just went forward to the now-stopped carriage and lifted a hand to lead Ji Hyo down.

"You two look like you're married!"

Kang Gary didn't really notice who had said any of these remarks, but he agreed and obeyed them happily. Looking at his beautiful Ji Hyo, he knew he could stare at her all day.

Song Ji Hyo blushed, being led by Gary to the centre of the cast, only realising Big Bang was also there. She blushed again,"Ah! Big Bang's here!"

Knowing it will make Gary jealous, she said it and it was correct as Kang Gary felt a little bitter.

After the introductions and the announcement of this special Princess Ji Hyo episode and her new nickname of Gold Ji hyo due to most wins of the gold prizes.

Kang Gary totally agreed on the 'Princess Ji Hyo' comment and smile a little.

Then, here came the first mission, which was to dance in front of Ji Hyo and to let her choose who to sit with her at the air-conditioned car or lose and sit at the old-fashioned/old modelled car.

At the first round, both G-Dragon's(Gary, Jaesuk) and Seungri's(Ji Suk Jin and Ha Ha) had danced to the rules, but Daesung's team(Kim Jong Kook and Lee Kwang Soo), Jong Kook carried Ji Hyo and the rest of the teams felt it was unfair, so there was another round.

After seeing his Jong Kook hyung carry Ji Hyo, he was a bit jealous and his body burned with competitiveness, which fitted to their plan of  to going over the obstacle of Ji Hyo's ex-boyfriend was to have more Monday Couple scenes.

As the music came, Kang Gary moved quickly towards Ji Hyo, making a serious eye signal to Ji Hyo, which made Ji Hyo blush a little and giggle.

At that abrupt moment, Gary gave in to his hasty thought in his mind, which Ji Hyo didn't anticipate.

Kang Gary danced towards Ji Hyo, placing his hands on Ji Hyo's smooth pearly white face and kissed Ji Hyo on her left cheek.
Hope you all liked this chapter!^^

Sorry that my updates are slower than usual….mianhe….

And I'm sad that The Heirs have ended!!!

Anyway, hope everyone had a great saturday and help share this:))

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

P.S. here are some photos i wanted to share…

Merry Christmas!

From The Heirs Party!!!><

At America after Heirs filming Party^^

Hope all had enjoyed the Heirs, RM and this fanfiction^^more to come~

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 22: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Kang Gary was lying on his bed, unable to sleep.

Looking at the stars on the sky from his window, he sighed deeply.

It was really a dream come true for him to become the namja-chingu of his beloved Song Ji Hyo, but now he was really nervous now that he had to overcome the big obstacle of Baek Chang Jo.

Watching the Heirs with Ji Hyo just now, he felt a similarity with one of the characters.

He was like Kim Tan now, but not so handsome and heir or anything, but the similarity of being in love with one and the troubles ahead.

He shrugged a little, taking out his phone, he clicked to his home screen. Tracing the outline of Ji Hyo's face, he tapped on the chat app.

To Wifey:

Hope u have a good nite sleep…
You are my little angel, sleep tight, wifey~

-Ur KT

"Am i a little too obsessed with my thinking?…" He thought for a while, looking back at the stars, he sent the message to his now already snoring Yeoja-chingu.
A man dressed in a black tuxedo and slacks emerged into a grand office at the highest floor of the CJeS company.

"Have you brought the photos?" 

The man quickened his steps to the desk after quietly closing the door. 

With the brown envelope in his hands, he walked towards the back-viewed leather chair, placing the envelope on the wooden plated desk.

"Sir, the photos are here."

The leather chair turned around and there the CEO of CJeS sat/

"Open it."

The man took the envelope and opened it, taking out the photos inside.

"Place the photos on the desk."

Chang Jo gripped his hands, leaning onto the table while his eyes glistened at the photos.

The pictures where slowly placed out on the table, the CEO scanning them all quickly.

"What are you doing? What the crap are these photos?! I told you to take photos of the both of them! Not only Ji Hyo!" Chang Jo burst out, slamming the table with his fist.

The man flinched, looking at the pile of photos which were mostly focused on Ji Hyo, he shrugged.

"But, sir, my boss said that-" 

"No buts! Make sure you get both of them next time!" Chang Jo immediately dismissed the man.

The man turned around.

"Um..sir, the photos…" 

"I'll keep them."


The CEO piled the cards back into the envelope, putting it into one of his drawers.

Taking out his keychain in his other drawer, he took a very old-fashioned one out, using it to lock the drawer with the photos.
Song Ji Hyo woke up early that morning.

Looking at the clock, she quickly went to the bathroom to ready herself for filming that day. Checking her phone before she left, she saw a message from her namja-chingu. Smiling, she typed another message to him and tapped the send button.

To Oppa:

Gumawo oppa! Hope you are getting ready to go o the set! Cya there! Anyeong!<3

-Ur Eun Sang(?):))

She walked to the doors, grabbing her little Murberry handbag. Her black trailer was already waiting for her outside.

"Unnie! Morning!" Ji Hyo ran to the van, jumping into it, there was her manager,dressed in her usual working wardrobe.

"Ah, ppali! Theres a special today!" Her manager rushed her.

When she entered the vehicle, the doors immediately shut and the driver drove at a break-neck speed to their destination.

"Woah..what special? Why are we going so fast?" Ji Hyo's eyes widened as she gripped the side handlebar to steady herself.

"You'll see then."
Kang Gary had his plan all thought out as he walked out of his house to his trailer.

A sudden 'ting' came from his pockets as he jumped into his car.

It was from Ji Hyo! Gary quickly checked the message and sent another one to her.

To Wifey:

Oppa's going there now~ Wait for me! I have the plan all planned out!^^

-Ur KT

He chuckled as he buckled his seatbelt, his chaffeur driving him to the set.
"Ah, you're here! Please get to the back of the set!" The PD ordered Ji Hyo just when she reached the set.

"Huh?But…I just reached!"Ji Hyo was baffled.

But, her unnie pushed her right to the back of the set, where she saw a pumpkin carriage with horses in front. 

"Wa…" Ji Hyo was momentarily shocked as one of her favourite fairytales actually came true! The Cinderalla tale!

"Am i the Cinderalla? Are we doing a fairytale special?"Ji Hyo asked as she saw a white frizzy dress at her dressing room.

"You'll see, Ji Hyo. You'll see,"Her manager smiled, pushing her into her dressing room to let her change.
Kang Gary had just arrived at the set and the PD-in-charge told him to go to the other side of the location.

"What? Why?" Gary was confused, his manager had been informed to bring him here, but why did he have to go to the other end of the place?

"Just follow the instructions. You'll know when you reach there," The PD grinned.

"Ah..Jjinja?" Gary started walking to the direction of the other side of the location, thinking its a mission they were supposed o complete.

I have to get there faster! Ji Hyo may be there already!

Gary thought, and he began running, not having the slightest clue that he was tricked.
Hello all! Mianhe that i didn't update much…i got addicted to Dramas these days…lol

Credits to @Runners_Addict ! My friend back at Twitter! For her idea on the CEO part^^ Gumawo~

I'll try to update faster before school starts!!!>< I don't even know i'll be able to update then…=.=
-Sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

P.S. Ive added a Videobar at my blog:)) you can watch videos under tags:'MondayCouple' and 'TheHeirs'! And do follow this blog(I also added that tool^^)They r both located at the right top hand side of the blog:))

And Hwaiting to all!!!><

Merry Christmas!!!
(All the posts to the end of christmas i will post Merry Christmas edits of our fav RM members!!And Kpop stars!(Please suggest for Kpop stars))