Monday 16 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 24: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Oh My God.

What did Kang Gary just do?

Song Ji Hyo stood there, unable to talk as Gary continued dancing to her left! as if nothing has happened.

The others? They were practically like stunned bazookas, eyes and mouth almost the size a volleyball. Even Jaesuk and G-Dragon in Gary's team were shocked, though having a little victory tour dance in their minds.

Song Ji Hyo smiled, as bright as the sun. Not only because of the plan her Namja-Chingu had planned out for her, but also because of her own feelings, the feeling of in happiness and in a clown's paradise. She just couldn't stop smiling, as if her mouth sides were stuck on with super glue, even twitching them felt like moving concrete.

She giggled more when Kwang Soo zoomed in after seeing the scene, even Seungri! Her cheeks burned with blush, and her smile still held there, and her heart confirmed on why she couldn't film Romantic Comedy genred dramas.

And it was definitely obvious who the winner was when she was asked who the best team was.

All she thought was he beloved Namja-chingu and she shouted,"Kang Gary!"

This led to cheering of his team and the others moaning as the heat of last time's experience in that hot and uncomfortable car went into their mind.
Song Ji Hyo almost gasped out loud when she saw the second destination.

It was a mud battle! Her heart went out to her members and guests, especially Kang Gary. But there was nothing she could do, except to pray deeply that they won't injure themselves.

She grinned as Gary opened the door for her. She sparkled her aegyo eyes towards him as a mental thank you and good luck with her 'eye Saranghaeyo'. Gary felt shy a little, but he didn't show it and turned back a little to hide his smile.

That was when G-Dragon took Jaesuk's and his cap to shelter Ji Hyo from the blazing sun. That move made Ji Hyo laugh and Gary ashamed that he hadn't thought of it. He quickly held his cap out to shelter her, but she had already walked away.
Song Ji Hyo tried not to look pained as she saw them start on the race.

But, she mostly focused on Gary(even if she didn't want to…). She thought she was crazy when she thought Gary looked handsome even in his state of 'totally-covered-by-mud-and-his-face-is-scrunched-up-in-annoyance-of-mud-on-skin'. Yup, she is crazy, and she feels like Gary had sparkling flowers beside him too.

And boy, G-Dragon's team looked such poor-things.

Ji Hyo almost restrained to dash up towards them as they started swimming in mud, which cracked her up too.

And Kwang Soo was such a sympath-ier. Watching him get bullied to dive into the mud as a 'sacrifice' took up her Unnie spirit in her, and she wanted to yell at Kim Jong Kook and tell him to stop, but she thought it would ruin the effect of it being a variety show.

She felt like helping the weakest team in the three. They were the last to take the flags, and adding the biggest hyung into the list, Ji Hyo was scared that he will get a sprained back. And Seungri, he's a Hallyu star! Well, but that point she didn't mind as she was probably spoiling her image of a actress in this variety show. Ji Hyo laughed on that thought.

Even if she didn't want it to turn out this way, as she admit she was biased towards Gary, Daesung's team won. In another hand, due to Ji Hyo's greed to win this whole episode again, she put in the wrong hints so that she could get the best cards (in avenge of her Namja-chingu's team not winning too).
But Song Ji Hyo's helpful-ness won hands down.

Seeing the members have done their best and had sacrificed their bodies(?)(quoted from the episode), she gave in to them, shaking her head to show them the right card, which was the best.

After the card giving session, it was almost afternoon, so they decided to head nearby for lunch. It was the next location they were going and stopped by the restaurants to eat.

"Ji Hyo ah, what do you want to eat? Oppa will treat you," Gary elbowed Ji Hyo as they started walking together at the back with the others to the Korean-Chinese style restaurant.

Ji Hyo was suddenly reminded of the same moment, a couple of filmings ago. Kang Gary had took her for lunch too.

"Ah, oppa Gumawo! You choose this time oppa, last time i chose, right?" Ji Hyo smiled, looking into his eyes.

"Oh, kudaeyo. I'll order for you, okay?" Gary grinned, stroking her hand a little, but not holding her hand as they still wasn't a publicised couple.

"Okay, oppa!"
After ordering the food, Gary had a slight runny nose.

His nose kept twitching as his nose was really runny and he tried to suck back the wage running like a tap.

But he felt it was weird and Ji Hyo started staring at his nose.

"Oppa, why does your nose have red marks there?" Ji Hyo pointed, as her eyes shone with curiosity.

"Ah, Jjinja? Excuse me," Gary stood up and started towards the bathroom.
Song Ji Hyo was waiting impatiently at the table where only Gary and she sat at.

No doubt the other members were teasing them just now. Are they a couple? FYI, yes. Lunch dates in a row…what's with them this year?  I Have no idea and i don't think that's your business… Ji Hyo and Gary sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!Oh goodness, shut up! You're not elementary kids!

Not that she wanted to be rude to her elders, but she was a bit worried of Gary.

Did he have nosebleed? What if its bad or severe? What if he fainted because of too much loss of blood?

Chun Sung Im's heart was pumping in inhuman speed. She is really nervous, and she really wanted to burst into the bathroom to check on him. She kept resisting. She can't do that! Its Namja toilet!

Cold sweat was dripping down her cheek, and Kang Gary was still no where in sight.

She finally stood up, and rushed towards the bathroom.

In the other members and guests shock.
Hope y'all liked this chapter! I know i'm really inactive in updating these days and i hope u will understand..

And Gumawo for my 600 followers! (Otherwise this chapter wouldn't be here…lol)

Anyeongheemisoyo to all! Hope u have a good rest after reading this as i posted this kinda late..haha…

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

P.S. Some pics:
9 more days until Santas comes into our Home Sweet Home!

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