Thursday 19 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 27: Monday Couple Fanfiction

"Your CEO wanted to give you and um…Kang Gary-shi this. And he wanted to tell you something…He said that, your namja-chingu wants you to decide if you want to end Monday Couple or he won't give up."

The PD stared confused pupils into Ji Hyo's s bit shocked face.

Ji Hyo didn't reply and her face became kong like ever before, but the PD knew she was putting her acting into use and is definitely hiding something.

"Is something wrong? I admit i'm really confused what your CEO is saying, but do confide if you have something wrong if it concerns the show," The PD asked her worriedly.


Ji Hyo didn't reply.

For a good few minutes that were nearing to five.

That made the PD uneasy, but he didn't ask again as a thought make him know that this matter may be personal. 

So, he said;

"Ah, mianhe Ji Hyo-shi, if you aren't comfortable talking about it, kwenchana, you can go, your CEO just wanted me to give you this," He planted the rather thick envelope into Ji Hyo's hands.

She cringed as her hands had the envelope. Contemplating the envelope, she settled it at the back of her clothing as her bag was with her manager and she had no intentions of giving it to her.

"If you excuse me, i will go know," Ji Hyo took the 'only had to' tip to dismiss herself and starting getting up.

But, her legs were unusually shaky and she almost fell down to her seat. She awkwardly stood up when PDnim attempted to help her.

She hurriedly walked away, not before bowing in respect to the PD who bowed back.

"There's definitely something wrong," The PD shrugged, noticing the funny tinge of atmosphere around them after the meeting.
As she went back to her trailer, she saw her manager there looking wide eyed at her.

"Aren't you supposed to be at your filming?"  

"What filming? We finished filming already."

"Hais…Your Fan meet promotional video, Bapo…" Her manager pushed her out of the trailer and started bringing her to the set again.

"Bu-ut, i need to-um..pu-ut something…" Ji Hyo stuttered, and her manager looked rather befuddled.

"Is something wrong?"

"Uh…nothing, unnie. Can you excuse me?" Ji Hyo asked.

She ran hurriedly towards the set, too skittish to go with the idea of putting the 'Taboo' thing inside her bag so that it won't distract her while filming the promotion.

But, she was panicked to notice that the very confidential envelope slipped down, plopping right on the floor of the carpark, where her manager had seen with eagle eyes.

Ji Hyo, whom had run further away, didn't note that her unnie had taken the envelope and was opening it.
Feeling tense, she kept putting her hand at her back, scared that the envelope would drop.

Out of her apprehensiveness, Ji Hyo was in blank mode again. Not heeding her namja-chingu concerned stare.

She apologised for her being late and started taking in notes she needed for filming.

They immediately film after that, as Ji Hyo wanted to quickly end it so that she could confide the new problem to Gary, but should she? She was bewildered and didn't know whether she should let the cat out of the bag or not.

But, she concentrated on her filming and they ended rather quickly, quoted by Ha Ha.
They bid goodbyes and headed to the carpark. 

Ha Ha and Jong Kook were going home together, Jong Kook driving his dongsaeng home. And Suk Jin's car was parked at the front, so leaving the Monday Couple alone.

Ji Hyo was walking in front and Gary was tailing behind her.

Ji Hyo was hesitating on whether to tell him or not, so it ended them both in an awkward silence.

Should i tell him?…Should I?

Anniyo…You shouldn't tell him, he will get worried.

You should! Or else he would accuse of not telling him earlier like in the dramas you watch every time…

Anniyo! Don't listen to her!

Anniyo! Don't listen to her, rather!

Song Ji Hyo wanted her voices in her head to shut up, whispering a quick curse and small warning.

It shut both of them up.

But, she was still utterly confused. She felt like telling him, but..

Wait! Where did the envelope go to? She felt her hands which were in her pockets search around, no…

The envelope was lost! 

She felt a perturbing feeling rise up to her senses. Cold sweat crept down her cheeks. She wanted to cry and indulge into Gary's comforting chest right now, but right at that moment,

"Ah…Ji Hyo, anyeongheemisoyo(Good night), i'll see you tomorrow, okay?Sweet dreams, dream of me."

She realised it was Gary's voice and she watched him walk away with his last smile.

That was when all her emotion crept in.

She felt her eyes getting hot with tears and a hot tear slide down.

She couldn't constrain the emotional feeling inside her and she collapsed onto the carpark, squating, tears spilling out of her eyes like it was natural for her.

She laughed a little, this was so easy now than in her filming of dramas. Then went back to crying. She was getting maniacal alright, laughing and crying at the same time. But she was severely distraught deep in her heart and she knew it. 

She couldn't withstand the feeling of the sudden ex-namja-chingu bomb and now namja-chingu bomb. It was so unfair for her. She kept crying non-stop until she knew her manager will her suspicious if all that was left in the carpark was her trailer and she'll go look for her. She didn't want to worry her unnie, so she got up, wiping tears of with her arms.

Gasping for air, she strolled silently back to her trailer, not knowing another projectile was about to be thrown into her face from her most beloved sister-like person.
Hope you all liked this chapter! i know its short…yeah..mianhe…

But i wanted to write on Ji Hyo's POV after Gary's yesterday, so you will understand how each of them were feeling

Was this chapter okay? I would say i wasn't that much distracted…haha..yes…but a title from my google+ account where i posted songs i like…and i played them while writing. 

Well, anyway, hope you all will enjoy the chapter! And feel free to join this blog if u have a twitter, google, Facebook or yahoo account^^ It gives u first hand notifications on my updates and google+ stuff:)) You can also add me to ur circles with the same benefit^^

Well, like what Gary says, Anyeongheemisoyo and sweet dreams(leave out the dream of me part…lol)!

-sjhdanielle(Song Ji Hyo)

Anyone who didn't see my Xmas edit can go to the previous chapter to see it^^

Here are some on RM
Ji Hyo's Xmas card^^

Cute Yoohyuk Elf^^
And anyone anticipating the RM ep Nightmare before Christmas? I am! I love horrors though i can't sleep after…lol
Hope Kang Gary's okay… and if Ji Hyo saves him?(exclamation point!) That will be like a sign that they r like born to be with…

Yeah… I'm biased?…lol

Anyway, hope u all enjoy today and Happy XMAS!^^
(heard that i have 68 views from South Korea^^ Hope one may be rm or staff…lol…me and my dreams but, keeping my fingers crossed!)

Anyway, Cya next time at either Google+, Twitter, Line or the next post or chapter!!^^


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