Saturday 14 December 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 23: Monday Couple Fanfiction

Kang Gary ran as fast as he could to the end of destination.

Lots of 'mission PDs' wearing yellow tracksuits were stationed at various locations to lead the male members of Running Man to their designated destination.

Kang Gary finally saw a big yellow sign up front:

'This way'

It was pointed towards left side where an entrance to a little villa was seen.

"Ah! Finally!" Gary sighed in relief as he quickened his steps.

He still didn't know that Ji Hyo would not be here and had run a few yards in a speed of light, almost making his lungs explode.

I wonder if anyone's here already…Ji Hyo?

"Ah…Finally someone's here…This way please, Kang Gary," The second-in-charge PD led Gary into the bathroom of the villa to get himself changed.

"Huh? Need to change straight away?" Gary asked.

"Kudae…Here's your clothes, please change quickly,"The PD brought over a straightly ironed tuxedo towards Gary and pushed him into a cubicle.

"Oh…"Gary went blank as he took the tuxedo.

Why was he supposed to wear such a formal attire to film? Was it a special celebration? Or formal guests like the Prime Minister is coming? He had no clue and quickly proceeded to changing.
"Ah, Gary! You're here already? Woah…why are you wearing that? Haha…is it a wedding?" Yoo Jae Suk was standing outside, waiting as the PD wanted the members to change one by one.

"Ah, hyung! Anyeonghaseyo! I don't know hyung…" Gary formally greeted his hyung politely before answering the question.

"Haha…See you later, Gary. I shall go and change," Jae Suk's eyes twinkled and he grinned at Gary as he walked into the bathroom.

"Ah, yes, hyung," Gary bowed again and strolled to the PD for the next set of instructions.

"Gary-shi~Can you sit by the bench there and wait for the rest of the members to come before going back to the set? Your coordinators will brush you up there after your 'morning jog'," The PD instructed Gary and Gary went to sit by one of the wooden benches by the beautiful bush sculptures that hung around the villa.

"Ah, and PD-nim, is Ji Hyo here yet?" Gary turned to the PD once he settled down on the bench.

"Ah, Molahyo, but i assume she's not here yet. Why?" The PD asked, his eyebrows lifted in curiosity.

"Ah…kwenchana…nothing, PD-nim," Gary stared back at his feet as a crisp breeze blew by, making him sigh i contentment.
Once all the male members were here and changed, the PD instructed them to go back to the set, but try not to sweat much…

But the ever competitive Kwang Soo who wanted to beat Sparta-kook decided to bring his long legs to use. He sprinted as fast as he could to the set and yelled,"I Beat you! Jong Kook Hyung!" as he ran there.

The rest of the namjas laughed and smiled as they saw how Kwang Soo had acted, their ever polite and cute dongsaeng of their RM Family.

As the secong-in-charge PD had said, their coordinators were already by a tent waiting to polish them up. Kwang Soo's coordinator almost looked as horrified as her scream as she saw the state Kwang Soo was in, sweat already pouring down his back. She quickly took a towel and put it behind his back to soak the sweat up as she touched up his makeup.

Gary's coordinator put a little blush on him after applying a layer of BB cream.

Once all the members were ready, the PD started to film, but Kang Gary had a question in mind,

Where is Song Ji Hyo?
And there she was, behind the set, inside a pumpkin carriage like those in her favourite Princess stories.

Song Ji Hyo was tempted to ride on the horses that she had not seen for quite a time. She only could stroke them, to her disappointment, but her manager and coordinator promised her a photo with the horses and pumpkin carriage.

She was really excited after seeing herself in the mirror and wanted to see the members, especially Kang Gary's reaction to her wardrobe today. It must be a special episode today, for her, otherwise she wouldn't be dressed and the set to be done like a princess's to the toe.

She had pestered the PD numerous times to ask why she was here and the male members were not here. But the PD only shrugged her off, though grinning like a affectionate uncle of hers.

"Right, Ji Hyo-shi, may you get ready for the intro, we are starting to film," the FD Dong Wan told her as he grabbed the lassos, ready to lead the horses to a grand entrance.

"Okay," Ji Hyo replied, checking herself one last time, with a thumbs-up from her manager, the carriage started moving and towards the red carpet they went.
The male members were stunned as they saw a pumpkin carriage rolling in, with real horses in front.
And Ji Hyo was looking as beautiful as ever inside the carriage.

Kang Gary went blank as he saw his yeoja-chingu come in, in her beautiful dress and all.

"Yah, Gary! Go get her!"

Gary just went forward to the now-stopped carriage and lifted a hand to lead Ji Hyo down.

"You two look like you're married!"

Kang Gary didn't really notice who had said any of these remarks, but he agreed and obeyed them happily. Looking at his beautiful Ji Hyo, he knew he could stare at her all day.

Song Ji Hyo blushed, being led by Gary to the centre of the cast, only realising Big Bang was also there. She blushed again,"Ah! Big Bang's here!"

Knowing it will make Gary jealous, she said it and it was correct as Kang Gary felt a little bitter.

After the introductions and the announcement of this special Princess Ji Hyo episode and her new nickname of Gold Ji hyo due to most wins of the gold prizes.

Kang Gary totally agreed on the 'Princess Ji Hyo' comment and smile a little.

Then, here came the first mission, which was to dance in front of Ji Hyo and to let her choose who to sit with her at the air-conditioned car or lose and sit at the old-fashioned/old modelled car.

At the first round, both G-Dragon's(Gary, Jaesuk) and Seungri's(Ji Suk Jin and Ha Ha) had danced to the rules, but Daesung's team(Kim Jong Kook and Lee Kwang Soo), Jong Kook carried Ji Hyo and the rest of the teams felt it was unfair, so there was another round.

After seeing his Jong Kook hyung carry Ji Hyo, he was a bit jealous and his body burned with competitiveness, which fitted to their plan of  to going over the obstacle of Ji Hyo's ex-boyfriend was to have more Monday Couple scenes.

As the music came, Kang Gary moved quickly towards Ji Hyo, making a serious eye signal to Ji Hyo, which made Ji Hyo blush a little and giggle.

At that abrupt moment, Gary gave in to his hasty thought in his mind, which Ji Hyo didn't anticipate.

Kang Gary danced towards Ji Hyo, placing his hands on Ji Hyo's smooth pearly white face and kissed Ji Hyo on her left cheek.
Hope you all liked this chapter!^^

Sorry that my updates are slower than usual….mianhe….

And I'm sad that The Heirs have ended!!!

Anyway, hope everyone had a great saturday and help share this:))

-sjhdanielle (Song Ji Hyo Doodles)

P.S. here are some photos i wanted to share…

Merry Christmas!

From The Heirs Party!!!><

At America after Heirs filming Party^^

Hope all had enjoyed the Heirs, RM and this fanfiction^^more to come~

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