Monday 14 October 2013

Reuniting Blues Chapter 3: Monday Couple Fan Fiction

Kang Gary stood there stunned.

He could not believe what Ji Hyo had just said. He was almost bursting out in happiness at the thought that he had a chance with her. But, Gary restrained as he thought it would be an awkward scene for Ji hyo to manage if Gary  kissed her, announced that he likes her tremendously and wanted to be her namja-chingu.

"Really? What happened?" Gary's eyes bulged, patting Ji Hyo's back softly.

"Oppa...a-n-n-d...i,...we grew apart. We didn't have much time with one another..."Ji Hyo choked back a sob.

"Oh Ji Hyo ah... You should not have kept it to yourself. You can tell your problems to op- our members," Gary took the chance to hug her, comforting Ji Hyo.

"Oppa..." Ji Hyo burst out into tears.

Gary didn't know what to do and continued to hug her to soothe her spirits. He was in cloud nine, from the protection he was giving to Ji Hyo. The sign of Ji Hyo crying in front of him means that she trusts him. She would never have done that in front of the members as she was known to be a strong woman.

"Oppa...kamsahamida...I feel a lot better now,"Ji Hyo broke from their hug and rubbed her eyes.

"Here, take a piece of tissue. Don't rub your eyes, it will hurt it. You won't want to lose your beautiful big eyes to a pair of spectacles,"Gary smiled as he passed a packet of tissue from his pocket to her.

"Kouisimida oppa... I never knew that you keep a packet of tissue in your pocket, i thought that's what females do,"Ji Hyo laughed, wiping away her tears with a piece of tissue.

"Keke... I have lots of surprises you know! Don't underestimate males,"Gary shrugged as he fiddled with the back of his head.

 "Alasso oppa. Here's your packet of tissue. Kamsahamida," Ji Hyo bowed in gratitude as she glanced at her swatch.

"Oop! Look at the time! Oppa! I got to get ready for our episode!" Ji Hyo said and rushed off to the set.

"Wait! Ji hyo ah! I thought you are supposed to be with the members at the opening!"Gary shouted, but Ji hyo was far from his sight by the time he spoke.

She sure is a fast runner, Gary thought as he walked towards the other members.
"Gary ah! Where's Ji Hyo? I thought she went with you?" Jaesuk asked Gary who was approaching them solemnly.

"Oh! Hi hyungnim, Ji Hyo went to get ready for the opening," Gary replied Jaesuk as he took a sit at a nearby chair.

"She needs to get ready for the opening? Ahh... woman sure are different," Jaesuk commented as he sighed.

"Hyung, can you keep a secret? Ji Hyo didn't want to tell all of you, but i think confiding with you will help with my spirits," Gary scratched the back of his head in frustration.

"Of course i can! What secret is that? You and our Mong Ji are getting married?" Jaesuk joked heartily.

"Jeez...Hyung! It's not that! Ji Hyo and her CEO boyfriend broke up!" Gary  almost shout-whispered into Jaesuk's ear.

"Ehh...Gary ahh! That almost broke my eardrums! i didn't mean to offend you!" Jaesuk patted his ears as he tilted to a side, as if he was trying to get water out from it.

"Sorry hyung, I didn't mean to do that. It's just that i can't bear to see her so sad," Gary shrugged as he fiddled with the back of his head once more.

"Gary ah... It's alright. See this news in another way! This is actually for your benefit!" Jaesuk said as he walked off to Ha Ha who was juggling a few bottle caps.

For my benefit? And why did i say that i can't bear to see Ji Hyo so sad in front of Jaesuk hyung?Gary hit his head once and shouted the word "STRESS!" to proclaim how stupid he was. Gary knew how philosophical Jaesuk's words were but he did not get the point of how the break-up was to his benefit.

"All right everyone! Please gather for the start of the opening of the episode!" The PD announced.

Gary got up from the chair and shuffled off to the set.
"Ji Hyo will definitely partner Gary!" Suk Jin announced as they were filming the opening.

"Yea! Now is Gary's partner!" Jaesuk says as the curtains of the entrance of the guests opened.

There walked the beautiful Song Ji Hyo, with added makeup and mascara which made her more rosy and prettier then before. Gary gulped as he saw his stunning Monday Girlfriend walk down towards him, who was waiting down the steps.

"Yah... Ji Hyo's the best today..." All the Running Man members remarked as Ji Hyo closed in to Gary.

"Yah! It's an honour! I even have to collect you on a Wednesday!" Ji Hyo snapped as she took Gary's hand and the both of them straddled off to their table.

Ji Hyo was still feeling not even an inch of pressure now when Monday Couple is officially paired again.


The PD in charge walked towards Ji Hyo when the opening was starting and Ji Hyo and the other guests could hear the members remarking that it was the set when SNSD came, like a couple episode...ETC

"Ji Hyo-shii, i need your decision, who would you partner with. Jaesuk, Suk Jin and Kwang Soo are already taken by the other guests. That leaves you with Gary-shii, Ha Ha-shii and Kim Jong Kook-shii. Please make a choice," The PD read off a checklist on his clipboard.

Ha Ha has a wife... Jong Kook, I think Yerim will suit him better...

"Gary-shii, kamsahamida PD-shii," Ji Hyo replied an answer that shocked the PD-in-charge.

He walked off, not before glancing back at Ji Hyo, who was applying another layer of Benefit branded lipstick.
They were the first couple to reach the first destination and as they walked to the set there, Ji Hyo's heart pounded when she saw the rooms that were placed side-by-side.

"Separate rooms?" Was the first sentence Gary asked Ji Hyo when they received the instructions from the PD.

"Dunno..."Ji Hyo answered, suspicious about the task.

They weren't having separate rooms with the members right? Ji Hyo was nervous. It would definitely be plain awkward if they were to be alone in the room after what Ji Hyo had told Gary that morning.

"Ji Hyo ah... Are you alright? You look pale," Gary asked in a concerned tone when the cameramen were changing tapes.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just hungry. I had not eaten much for days," Ji Hyo patted her tummy, unaware why she had lamented to Gary about her empty stomach.

"Don't worry Ji Hyo. Oppa treat you for lunch," Gary grinned as he suggested.

"Kamsahamida oppa! You're the best!" Ji Hyo almost hugged Gary, for no reason, but she braced when the door of the room opened.

"Oh! Monday Couple is here already!" Ha Ha walked in with Yuri, who was brimming in a happy aura.

"Do you know that Yuri likes Jong Kook hyung?..."Ha Ha started a conversation straight after he sat down, oblivious to what the Monday Couple had just discussed about.
"Unwhh..." A growling sound came from Ji Hyo's stomach when the second mission ended and the members were off to lunch.

"Ehh... Ji Hyo you're hungry! What do you want to eat? We agreed on this earlier that Oppa will treat you for lunch!" Gary asked Ji Hyo as they walked to a row of street shops opposite them.

"Umm... Seafood soup?" Ji Hyo answered, her mind full of pictures of seafood soup, her tongue stimulating the taste.

"Alright then! There's a restaurant there that sells good seafood soup! I've been there before and i loved it's taste," Gary's saliva rolled down the side of his mouth as he thought of it.

"'Kay!" Ji Hyo replied happily as she skipped across the road to the restaurant that Gary had suggested.

"Wait! Ji Hyo ah! Don't go so fast!" Gary laughed as he thought of the scene in the morning where Ji Hyo had went away in lightning speed.

"Gary! You bringing Ji Hyo to that restaurant?" Jaesuk suddenly surfaced beside Gary, who was about to walk into the restaurant.

"Yeah hyung. You want to come too? My treat?" Gary questioned.

"No, i'll settle with some seaweed soup next door. Take this as a chance, Gary. Good luck," Jaesuk replied as he strolled off to the next shop.

"Oh, see you later then, hyung,"Gary said as he scratched the back of his head.

Jaesuk had said another puzzling thing to him again. What is that chance for? What benefit? Gary shook off the thought as he put on his sunglasses and pushed open the restaurant door, where he saw Ji Hyo speaking to the manager of the restaurant, "A table for two, kamsahamida!"
Do you like it? I hope you do! 
Sorry for not writing for such a long time. My twitter account had some problems, but now it's fixed and i can return to the world of writing! Thank you to the supporters who kept on waiting for more! Monday Couple rule the world!-exaggerating? I hope not...


  1. Sorry to fans who had waited for such a long time...I had some problems that needed solving...:))XD

  2. Yay! The third chapter! Thank you Sjhdanielle! I hope your problem's solved! >)

    1. Oh, thank you for your concern. The problem's solved as stated above:)

  3. As i read this, i almost forget that this's just a fan fic.. haha.. it would be awesome if this got real.. im sure all mc fans anticipate this.. keep on writing! Love your efforts

  4. As i read this, i almost forget that this's just a fan fic.. haha.. it would be awesome if this got real.. *really hope for that to happen.. hihi.. im sure all mc fans anticipate this.. keep on writing! Love your efforts ^^
