Thursday 3 October 2013

Self-conscious Girl #1:Madness From School Chapter 1

Chapter 1: What to do when an embarrassing situation happens? Just smile:)

Well, i guess that serves a cue as a start of an embarrassing situation, you got that right.

Hello, my name's Clover Hayley Piper, or Clove for short. I'm 11 this year and i guess you can say that i'm mature above my age. I have an elder sister, who's four years older than me and is in a popular clique. I'm too, just that i always jealous of my sister. She's so pretty with those smiling dimples, long black shiny hair, just big enough ears with perfect-for-wearing-earings ears and a long slender body. I can say that i also have some of those but my hair's a bit of brown hair mixed with black hair, of course the same ears and slender body. But...I can't see the sign of any dimples, because i'm always smiling from my incidents to hide my shame. So, i have smile wrinkles on my cheek when i smile and those wrinkles hide me from seeing those dimples.

Incidents, you say? I don't have an excuse for that. Whatever bad things is within a mile from me, BAM! I knock into a wall,  fall down flat on a plate of spagetthi, get creamed by a prank pie...ETC. I'm seriously a clumsy and careless girl, thats why i have so many friends. My friends love me for my laughs, jokes and 'incidents'. But my sister, she's purely on looks.

Everyone, i mean both girls and boys, want to be friends with her. Plus...a variety of boys chasing her. Nevermind...skip that topic, my mother will scold me if i mention her BFs.

Talking about her, here she comes in her pinstriped blouse, loop earings, falthered jeans and a bow-clip on top of her head.

"You look good, Sis"I commented, as i took a sip of morning Earl Grey tea ( a special made and created by mother).

"You too, nice tank top."Samantha, that's her name, says.

I blinked my eyes as i flashed my inquisitive beady eyes at her. I was totally suspicious as she don't usually spout this kind of comments at me.

"What? Can't i comment you a bit? You seriously look good, i guess you must have grown a little taller too. I have a rival now..."She twirled her hair as she sipped a little 'water' (?) from a cup.

"You must be on to something...and WHAT is that?"I pointed to the cup which revealed to be a frothy greenish liquid that smelt disgusting.

"Antitoxic formula. It's a mix of brocolli, spinach,carrots, kailan and yogurt, wanna try?"she smiled as she drank from her cup again.

"No...i don't think so. I miss your anti-fat formula on mixing apples and pizza plus spagetthi. Why change?" I asked, my stomach grumbling from the thought of pizza.

"I think that formula was making me fatter than making me slim, duh..." She stood up, she stopped drinking and walked away, not noticing that she had a 'green mask' on her mouth.

"Rigghht..."I mumbled, thinking about pizza again, making my breakfast of Toast being plain.

I downed my whole teacup of Earl Grey and put the empty plate and cup into the sink. I then walked over to my family's black piano where my schoolbag lay. My family is a whole group of musicians. father is a conducter, mother? She's a piano teacher and is currently teaching one of her students now. i knocked at the door of her makeshift piano room which resounded beautiful sounds of melodies of piano.

"Um...Mum? I'm off to school now,"I peeked into the room, where a five-year old girl was playing a simple piano piece.

The room was carpeted and filled wit trophies of her past awards of being a outstanding pianist. Stacks full of theory and Piano books were at the shelves with little cards from her students at Teacher's Day.

"Oh, dear. Of course you can go now. See you after school!"Mother replied cheerfully, as she waved heartily to me.

"Ok, bye!" I closed the door and headed to the front door.

I unlocked the door and looked outside. Thank goodness it's not a rainy day! I still protectively put a portable umbrella beside my bag as i was worried about getting wet and make an embarrassment again to my friends. I walked out of the door, revealing a simple yard full of flowers and trees. I walked down the steps and hurried to the pavements. I looked around for my best friend Zoe who was waiting down the side of the junction.

I waved to her and she replied back with a smile that brightened my moods. It was the first day of school and i was excited to meet my best friend of seven years. She became my friend when she helped me out when i fell into a hole when i was four(see? I'm even that clumsy when i'm that young).

Zoe was wearing a varsity jacket that we both have, since we bought them together, jeans and a shirt with the words 1D in front. I don't see why Zoe would dress in that shirt but when i always ask her, she always reply, you'll like them soon enough. Really? After long months of trying, i sill don't really like 1D ( well if you don't know, One Direction). I'm still attached to my favourite Annabeth Chase of the Percy Jackson series. Oh com'n!Zoe will always say when i tell her that,She's a fictitious character, for heaven's sake! She won't turn all real one day! And i will reply her, well she is real, in the movies. Then, she'll roll her eyes.

" Hi! Nice November to December h'days?"Zoe chirped,walking towards me.

" 'bout you? I had fun at the resort of my grandma's"I answered, as strolled to the junction and pressed the button to wait for the green man to glow.

"Great! And i had yogurt this morning!"Zoe loves yogurt and every morning she would have one.

"I think we should go now, it's kinda late. 7.05a.m. already,"I said out worriedly, looking at my watch.

"If you have a five minute walk to school, Why hurry? Latest we will reach by 7.14a.m!"Zoe replied, shrugging as she walked soothingly to the next side of the road.

As the green man was momentarily at warning mode, i looked at Zoe's back and ran across the road to meet her.

-I hope you'll will like this. A little like me, but i'm not that pretty but that last seventh paragraph, it's true.:)
Sjhdanielle(Song Ji Hyo doodles) 

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