Tuesday 15 October 2013

Self-conscious Girl #1 Chapter 3: The Fight (with little surprises)

Yeah, the fact that this fight was surprising was a little part which made my heart pound.

"Ringg..." The bell rang, signalling the start of our recess. I kept all my stationery into my pencil box, put my books into my bag and pushed any eraser dust into the little dustbin by the side of my table before rushing out of the classroom with my other classmates.

"Neat-disease on you again huh?" Zoe materialised by my side, taunting me with my actions.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm still a neat freak," I smirked, giving Zoe a fist-bump that only we do as best friends.

"Clover! Long time no see! You've grown a little taller and you look like your sister now!" Emma, one of my friends squeaked as she flashed her sparkly eyes upon me.

"Really? You flatter me," I replied, touching my bangs in embarrassment.

Slowly, my clique appeared behind me, causing the whole front part of the queue to be like a swollen arm.

"Queue in two lines, people!" Mrs Horrington ordered as she walked briskly down the stairs.

My clique straightened and followed behind Zoe and me. I would say that actually, one of my only friends is only Zoe. The others? They might just be only wanting to gain popularity. Whenever my clique appeared, i wanted to shout, "Get away! You're all fakes!" but it wasn't polite, so i braced myself.

As soon as we reached the cafeteria, Mrs Horrington dismissed us and we all dispersed into the football field-sized eating place which was bursting with students and teachers whom were having their break times. There were a variety of food stalls, from Japanese, Korean to Nyonya and Economic Rice.

Zoe and I went over to the Japanese stall which sells our favourite Karage Chicken. I bought one set, which consists of Karage Chicken, Takoyaki and rice. Zoe bought another set which has Karage Chicken (Duh...), Salmon and rice. We sprinkled some spices on the rice before walking off to find a table.

"There! An empty table!" Zoe cried and almost immediately, our clique sat on the table, occupying the space so that no one can take it.

I sat down by the side of the rectangular table with Zoe and slowly chatted a little about Jace, school events and Shannon Liu. The clique did not disturb us, which was fine. Just then, a hand settled on my shoulder.

"Clover Hayley Piper, we meet again," Shannon Liu said as she grabbed my purple t-shirt by the collar.

"What have i offended you? Isn't it me who should look for you?" I retorted, flinging her hand away.

"Just shut up will you? Get on with it, gang," Shannon shouted, alarming the crowd beside us.

Shannon's gang got in front of Shannon, with the idiotic Meyley Grace leading them. I almost wanted to run away, but i resisted, i will not act like a wimp in front of Shannon and her stupid gang.

"Yeah? Let's get on with it!" Zoe cried, backing me up.

Meyley released an army of punches into my face, only to be reflected by Zoe, who was a Taekwondo black belt, for your information. I, who was also a Taekwondo black belt who had learnt the moves of the tiger fist from our teacher, blocked the unrelenting fists. Zoe tried to produce a flying kick at Shannon's face, only to get defeated down by Molly Christanian.

"Zoe!" I called in alarm, reaching down to help her.

No one from my clique helped us, they had all ran away.

"Stop it," A stern voice produced a tiger fist into Shannon's face.

When i turned to see who it was, my jaw almost dropped. It was Jace Grayson! He pounded down all of Shannon's gang and left them in the dust.

"You alright?" Jace turned to me when he wiped away the sweat on his forearm.

"Yeah," I replied, before grabbing Zoe by her arms to ease her up.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," Zoe assured me, rubbing her left arm, which had a blue-black bruise there on her tanned skin.

"Let me help you," Jace stretched an arm out to me, lifting me up.

When i was steadied, i got Zoe up. She grinned at me as if she had something to tell me later.

"You sure you're alright?" Jace asked me again, placing his hand on my forehead."You look a little pale."

"Yeah, it's alright. I don't have a fever do i?" I joked, when Jace lifted his hand from my forehead.

"Heaven's no, it'll be dreadful if that happens. Tell me next time if Shannon attacks you again, i'll get her for you," Jace reminded me.

"Okay, thank you, by the way," I thanked Jace with i slight smile.

"Right then, see you soon,"Jace smirked in his usual charm, walking away.

"He likes you! I'm sure of it!" Zoe squealed beside me.

"How do you know?"I asked, feeling my cheeks getting warm.

"Did you ever notice that when he was helping us, he never really looked at me, his eyes were all focused on you! You and Jace will be the latest gossip today until don't know when!" Zoe explained, making my cheeks apple-red.

"Really? You're kidding,"I say, brushing my bangs.

"Really," Zoe smiled, walking back to sit down on our table, which left the both of us eating our Japanese Cuisine.

I cannot believe Jace helped me! Did the growth spurt or something help this recognition of me, like what my sister had said in the morning? I had no idea, but, i'm sure today and until the end of the year, it's gonna be a rollar-coaster ride all the way. And i don't really anticipate it. Well maybe a little...(thinking about Jace)...blushing...

1 comment:

  1. Nice story! A good third chapter of the Teen fiction! Keep Calm and carry on writing!
